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Apple Odyssey《暗黑疯苹果》


An apple sang a crazy song and got deeper in black.

In the deepest black, there is the blue water and it can heal everything, including the injured mind. But things never gonna easy as was heard. At the cost of being lost in the darkness forever until we return to the place where the dream began. An apple has pale skin and want change its color. Here it go.

Goal: drive mood crazy.

How: just let it alone or press SPACE to speed up finding the right way,






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Tags: game music apple black

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-05-21 07:35:15 UTC 作品链接: ========= 版本:v1.1,更新日期:2019-05-21,作者:@tatatingting 版本说明: 1. 修改作品的英文名为“Apple Odyssey”,更符合气质、渊源; 2. 修改了提示文字,更加简洁、集中; 3. 更换了初始图片为苹果,期望改善第一印象; 4. 降低游戏速度,从50改为40,太疯狂不利于体验; 5. 增加了按下空格键后的音效; 6. 增加了游戏结束的文字提示; 7. 优化了代码。 ========= 版本:v1.0,更新日期:2019-05-20,作者:@tatatingting 版本说明: 1. 标题:Crazy Apple In Black《暗黑疯苹果》 2. 一句话介绍:An apple sang a crazy song and got deeper in black. 一只苹果麦克疯,堕入无边黑暗。 3. 游戏目标:陷入错乱、奋斗、无望的情绪。 4. 玩法说明:什么都不做,让苹果自己寻找;按下【SPACE/空格键】让苹果更疯狂一些! 5. 故事背景:In the deepest black, there is the blue water and it can heal everything, including the injured mind. But things never gonna easy as was heard. At the cost of being lost in the darkness forever until we return to the place where the dream began. An apple has pale skin and want change its color. Here it go.传说在无边黑暗的最深处,有一汪清泉,能治愈一切,包括受伤的心灵。事情当然没这么简单,代价是会永远迷失在黑暗中,直至回到梦开始的地方。一个苹果皮肤苍白,想要改变它的颜色。故事开始了。 =========
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-05-21 08:36:27 UTC ========= 版本:v2.0,更新日期:2019-05-21,作者:@tatatingting 版本说明: 1. 调整了提示信息,尤其是游戏结束; 2. 修复了游戏结束后奇怪的表现; 3. 去掉了对游戏目标的提示,更符合游戏的气质了。
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-05-22 03:29:22 UTC note: 我不应该加时间、分数、排行这些,因为会干扰游戏目标;除了修复不能reset的缺陷外,不再添加内容。

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