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You are a crab, you need to eat all the worms and escape from the lobsters and from the piranha fish (the big grey fish), when the piranha eats the lobsters too.
Worms, lobsters and rocks will be created randomly during the game. You can hide under the rocks from the lobsters and from the piranha, but watch out!
After some time, the rock will disappear!
There is an option for 2 players and an option for another crab, which the coputer plays.
The number on the down-right side is the number of worms you need to eat.

Key list:
up - move straight (straight for the crab because it moves only to the side)
down - move back (the opposite of up)
left - turn right
right - turn left (sorry, I did a little mistake)
2 - create another crab which moves and turns with the w,s,a,d keys
c - create another crab which the computer plays

4227 views / 14 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game

This scenario is a member of: Oranim college - 2010-2011

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nice game. I liked the 2 players options. maybe it will be interesting for you to improve the computer crab?


you speak hebrew right? אחלה משחק רק תשנה את שמאל וימין כי זה מבלבל. הסרטן מסתובב ימינה כשאני לוחץ על החץ השמאלי, וההפך.


היי דור, אהבתי מאוד את המשחק, במיוחד את הקטע עם ההסתתרות מתחת לאבנים, אבל הייתי ממליץ לך לעשות שהדגים לקישוט לא יזוזו כי זה מאוד מבלבל. אופיר

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