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Press the arrow keys on the keyboard when the colored balls are over the
arrow symbols on the game board.
For BLUE balls, press the corresponding arrow key when ball is over an arrow.
For RED balls, press the OPPOSITE arrow key. For example, if a red ball is
over the LEFT arrow symbol, you must press the RIGHT arrow key.
For a GREY ball, don't press any key or you will lose points.
SCORING: the more accurate your timing, the more points you earn.
You lose points for pressing the wrong arrow key. If multiple balls
are over arrow symbols at the same time, you can earn or lose points
for each ball.
This project written by Apiwat, Saratouch, and Wairung at
Kasetsart University CodeCamp 2010. See link below for more
info about CodeCamp or to attend a CodeCamp..
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