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Demo of Dragon Savior

It's continuing to get better...

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Tags: game demo with-source

open in greenfoot
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P.S. need help with scrolling, if any help could be offered, it would be greatly appreciated. I can get the full game on sooner.
Here are several suggestions. First, get rid of the white background: You can either use GIMP or Paint.NET and use the magic wand (or in GIMP's case, simply go to the Color Menu and select Color to Alpha, and since it is white, simply press ok) and get the checkered background to indicate transparency, and SAVE IT AS A PNG format. (jpg and bmp does not handle transparency) Secondly, with scrolling since the new Greenfoot allows for easy scrolling, you just have to do something along the line of setting some variables to store the "camera" value if going for a thing that doesn't stick to some object, or set a world variable so that everything moves relative to the object in question. Thirdly, for the sound you might want to check its format, and see if it is compatible to Greenfot via the tutorial page. Hope that helps.
When I mean background I mean that white filling in the picture.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Mar 22 23:58:39 UTC 2012 Finally got rid of all the white space. Thank you limefortheworld for the tip. PNG's worked
Ah, an update! I'm glad to see that the first part of the message helped. Now to the second part, To allow for scrolling, or at least to allow for objects to move outside the canvas, go to the world, and where it says super(width, height, cell size), add ,false behind the cell size. So say for example super(800, 600, 1) would be changed to super(800,600,1,false). This will allow the engine to handle things outside the screen boundaries. Next, to actually scroll, you will need some sort of variable to keep track of where you're scrolling at. I suggest looking at other scrolling world games. How I worked it was to store an variable for x and y value of the camera, while storing a realX and realY values to the actors to take note of where they are actually located. When moving the camera, x and y values will change, and make it so that all the actors are oriented according to their realX and realY values relative to the camera.
One more thing: as for the sound, you may want to check out the GreenfootSound class that is included with the new Greenfoot updates. Those can handle mp3 files.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jul 12 21:49:51 UTC 2012 Fixed bugs in world exploration mode. Currently in infinite mode (unintentionally, I'm afraid), meaning if you kill the harpy, it pulls a phoenix. As always, any help would be VERY much appreciated.


limefortheworld: Thanks a ton. I just checked in after updating it (oops.) Now I plan on making this more like a FFVII-or-FFVIII-style scrolling world.


I like it!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Mar 12 20:59:23 UTC 2014 A limit break mechanic has been added. * Scrolling has been forsaken for static backgrounds...for now... * A new enemy has appeared! Attacks from this opponent slow down your dragon! * Peasants can now be collected. To eat one, press "1" and 5 hp will be healed. * I'm having some real difficulty with the health bars. They don't update properly. When playing, you may notice that the spider (who has more health) will not take damage, at least according to the bar. The dragon has also seemed to stop taking damage. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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