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Very nice. I like the bomb exploding the terrain and then splitting into several bombs. This reminds me of a game i use to have as a demo called Castles. In that you had your own castle and had to shoot weapons to the other castles and destroy them. The castles image acted much like terrain when it got hit and reflected its health. And there were many sorts of weapons and upgrades for your castle.
public boolean touchingfuit() { Actor touching = getOneObjectAtOffset ( 0, 0, fruit.class); if (touching != null) { getWorld().removeObject((fruit)touching); return true; } return false; }
In your touchingfuit method in the fly class, before returning, if actor is not null, then do getWorld().removeObject(touching) or if you want to make it move to a different location do touching.setLocation(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWorld().getWidth()), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWorld().getHeight())). to change its picture do: touching.setImage(new GreenfootImage("picture file")).
I like the falling floors! :)
The boulder doesn't move if it isn't on the screen. Also the fireball traps don't fire unless on screen. The boulder 'puzzle' is nice just takes a while for it to finish.
I found a little tunnel but could not find a way to crouch to go in it. Are you adding that? And thats cool with the z and x keys.
Very nice! I did manage to cause the program to crash when jumping on the wave-like floor in the corner. Like getting stuck in the wall.
I beat the levels. Very nice! sometimes the droplets do some weird things but don't know what..


No the gray borders in my rts game now are irrelevant. They just serve the purpose as a border for where things such as the buttons to go. Before I found the wanderer class, the borders were even wider so to hide the objects as they get removed or added.