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So why don't you, there are programs that decompile .jar files.
So nobody knows what JetLennit was talking about?
@danpost I also get words which say that, so I click and then a window pops up saying the error.
See this: it might help.
@danpost I get a ClassNotFoundException greenfoot.export.GreenfootScenarioViewer.class, but I get that on a lot of scenarios that other users seem to not. @ET78759 Read the link that's right under the words "Your browser is ignoring the <APPLET> tag.".
@ET78759 I disagree with you. To open a project in Greenfoot you have to download it and then open it, and now you have a new folder and file on your hard drive. These don't have to be in the Downloads folder but that's adding another step of removing it. If you would just edit your Java Control Panel Item once, then every time you want to run a scenario just make sure you're using Internet Explorer. P.S. UserInfo still won't work so you'll also have to do the things at:
There are way too many mistakes in the code for this scenario. There are about 12 mistakes, and then because of those mistakes everything that has to do with them is also wrong. The only mistake that will actually make the program not work properly is that the ChangeMouseImage method has two parameters that are supposed to do something (new Point(xClick, yClick...) but they don't.
How can I use 'greenfoot1822994819051924242.jar' to "decompile" something that's on my computer? Another question is how can I use it to "decompile" a sceneario as JetLennit suggested? He suggested to danpost to use it to get his source back from a scenario that only exists on the website, so how can it be used to decompile an uploaded scenario.
Yes, now I have three real lives.