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At the moment: 5 levels in total, each level has more blocks, there's a score, a few powerups and a few different kinds of blocks. It also uses the explosion class that's available on the greenfoot website as one of the support classes (I just had to fit it in somewhere! Have a look at if you want to use it) but you'll need to delete the following code in it for it to work: if(imageNo <= -30) { ((Space) getWorld()).gameOver(); } I presume this piece of code was specifically tailored to a different scenario. <br><br> As for extra images I've used, they're all standard ones with greenfoot, apart from the coloured blocks. The red one is there already, but I used photoshop to make the rest from the original, so feel free to nick the other coloured blocks if you're after some variety. (Oh, and the powerups. Forgot about them, they're photoshopped from scratch as well.) I've had a quick check and everything seems to work as it should, but it's gone midnight and I'm therefore not the most alert, so there's always the chance I've made an embarassing mistake... Hopefully not though! Source code is included, I've tried to comment things and keep it pretty clean.
My photoshop skills are possibly some of the worst around, but I'll have a look and give it a go... :)
I don't know why and it might just be me, but this didn't work until I logged in :S Apart from that, amazing graphics, looks really 3D (especially the rocks) and a great game!
The trick seems to be to move very quickly early on when there's hardly any ghosts around...
1055. Oh yeh. :)
Good idea - done!
One last point - it's generally risky to divide by a variable that could be any value without checking to see if it could be 0 first. Computers can do all sorts of wonderful things, but dividing by 0 is alas not one of them :( I only mention it because it's a bug that's caught me out a couple of times in scenarios, and it's not always immediately obvious!,%20double) That's the documentation if you're after a thorough explanation. To put it basically, atan just gives you the tan inverse. As for atan 2 - imagine a point on a graph at (x, y) - then draw a line from that point to the origin. atan2 returns the value of the angle of that line with the x axis.


Fantastic idea, I'm impressed! Polle's improvements sound good, but I think you've got a really cool start to a game here.