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erdelf wrote ...


int with leading zeros

erdelf erdelf


hello, my problem is that I want an int with leading zeros, e.g. 0065 instead of 65. I found a code for this. i can be any number.
            String formatted = String.format("%04d", i);
my problem is that this code makes a string so I made this:
            String formatted = String.format("%04d", i);
            i = Integer.valueOf(formatted);
Here is that the zeros are away. Any suggestions? (I need the variable i later so it is important that this is an int)
davmac davmac


Best solution is probably just to do the conversion to a 4 digit string whenever you want to display the number. An 'int' can't store leading 0 digits; it's just a numerical value. Otherwise, keep two variables - one as a String and one as an int.
erdelf erdelf


thx. I think I will use it-
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