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Loopy wrote ...


Private vs Public

Loopy Loopy


If a class has a method that is private but you want to do a similar action in another class, how would I do this without changing private to public?
erdelf erdelf


copy the method
ttamasu ttamasu


you can always try protected ... its kind of like private but can be accessible to all its decendents or subclasses.
kiarocks kiarocks


Or you could get into complicated stuff if you wanted to access that particular method
plcs plcs


Loopy wrote...
If a class has a method that is private but you want to do a similar action in another class, how would I do this without changing private to public?
Inheritance is the best way to achieve this behaviour by having a sub class extend that class and changing it from private to protected as ttamasu suggested. However, if they really cannot be compared/contrasted then you could copy the contents of it across. But it is most likely that those two classes will have some common connections/traits that either mean they will share the same abstract super class, or that one will extend the other.
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