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JMoller wrote ...


Getting an error and i don't know how to fix it

JMoller JMoller


hey guys im getting an error when im trying to run my program, tis
	at Gravity.pBar(
	at Projectile.<init>(
	at TrebArm.act(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actActor(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop(
	at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent(
could somebody help me? cheers jason
JMoller JMoller


and this is when i try to start the program
darkmist255 darkmist255


Well the error says that the problem is at Gravity() line 30. What is your code at line 30 of the Gravity class (and some surrounding code)?
erdelf erdelf


without code I can say that you want to use something (maybe an object) which is not there.
JMoller JMoller


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class Gravity here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Gravity extends Actor
   int gravityeffect = 1;
    public void act() 
    public void actGravity(int weight)
        int x = getX();
        int y = getY();
        gravityeffect += weight;
        if (weight >= 2)
        if (gravityeffect >= weight);
            setLocation(x, y + gravityeffect);
    public Bar pBar()
        Earth world = (Earth) getWorld();
        return world.pBar;
    public Bar cBar()
        Earth world = (Earth) getWorld();
        return world.cBar;

thats all my code for the gravity class
erdelf erdelf


pls post Earth class too. I think i have the error, but I need to be sure
JMoller JMoller


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.lang.String;
 * Write a description of class Earth here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Earth extends World
    private double gravity = 2;
    //static boolean transitioning = false;
    static boolean change = false;
    static final String[] barText = { "Projectile", "CounterWieght"};
    //static final int[][] barCols = { { 128,   0,   0, 255 },
    // {   0, 128,   0, 255 }};
    Bar pBar = new Bar("Projectile", "", 20, 100);  
    Bar cBar = new Bar("Counterweight", "", 200, 1000);
    //TrebBase base = new TrebBase();
    Bar[] bars = new Bar[2];
    public Earth()
        super(1024, 768, 1);
        //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
        //  bars[i] = new Bar(barText[i ], "", 63 + 64 * (i), 255);
        //bars[i].setSafeColor(new Color(barCols[i ][0], barCols[i ][1], barCols[i][2], barCols[i][3]));
        //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) addObject(bars[i], 750, 75 + 25 * i);
        //addObject(new Button(), 750, 200);
        //addObject(new Pad(), 300, 200);

        addObject(pBar, 900, 50);  
        addObject(cBar, 900,65);
        addObject(new TrebBase(), 220, 660);


    //private Color BackgroundColor = Color.BLACK;

    public void act()
        //     if (!change) return;
        // change = false;
        //if (transitioning && getObjects(Bar.class).size() < 4) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) addObject(bars[2 + i], 750, 275 + 25 * i);
        //  if (!transitioning && getObjects(Bar.class).size() > 4) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) removeObject(bars[ + i]);

    public double getGravity()
        return gravity;

    //public static boolean isKeyDown ("1");
     * Prepare the world for the start of the program. That is: create the initial
     * objects and add them to the world.
    private void prepare()

        TrebArm trebarm = new TrebArm();
        TrebBase trebbase = new TrebBase();
        addObject(trebbase, 239, 668);
        trebbase.setLocation(227, 663);
        trebbase.setLocation(232, 663);
        trebbase.setLocation(238, 664);

        trebbase.setLocation(220, 660);
        trebbase.setLocation(229, 660);
        trebbase.setLocation(473, 722);
        trebbase.setLocation(234, 659);
        trebbase.setLocation(457, 678);
        trebbase.setLocation(228, 661);
        trebbase.setLocation(405, 686);
        trebbase.setLocation(408, 684);
        trebbase.setLocation(526, 683);
        trebbase.setLocation(231, 660);
        addObject(trebarm, 377, 589);
        trebarm.setLocation(168, 654);
        trebarm.setLocation(547, 429);
        trebbase.setLocation(712, 624);
        trebarm.setLocation(177, 652);
        trebbase.setLocation(226, 663);
        trebarm.setLocation(155, 614);
        trebarm.setLocation(158, 612);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(668, 555);
        trebbase.setLocation(671, 455);
        trebarm.setLocation(186, 675);

        trebarm.setLocation(217, 672);
        trebarm.setLocation(214, 676);
        trebarm.setLocation(211, 678);
just ignor the last part it just locations that i haven't deleted yet
davmac davmac


The problem is that you are calling the pBar() method when the Gravity object is not in the world, so getWorld() on line 29 returns null.
JMoller JMoller


ah thank you
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