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Greenfoot back
horyna wrote ...


Score per second help please!

horyna horyna


My game is a game where you are a tank and you have to survive the longest before the two computer controlled tanks kill you. The idea of the game is that the people playing will compete to get the longest time in seconds, obviously the player that survives the longest will win. for this to work i need something that will count up in seconds preferably at the top left of the screen. Anyone got any idea how to do this? Thanks
SPower SPower


Take a look at my Library project, and specifically in the counter and in the SimpleTimer class. If you need help, ask me.
horyna horyna


thanks ill have a look now!
horyna horyna


Dont really know where to start haha im a proper noob at this, cheers anyway!
SPower SPower


Create a new Counter in YourWorld:
public class YourWorld extends SuperWorld
    private Counter counter;
    private SimpleTimer timer;
     * Create a new YourWorld.
     * It puts a mouse follower and some text in the world
    public YourWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels:
        super(600, 400, 1);
Then, change prepare() to this:
private void prepare()
        counter = new Counter();
        addObject(counter, 100, 200);
        SimpleTimer timer = new SimpleTimer();
Change act() to this:
public void act()
All this would set the Counter to the number of milliseconds ellapsed since the creation of the counter. If you have questions, ask me.
SPower SPower


Sorry: wrong thing: Change prepare() to this:
    private void prepare()
        counter = new Counter();
        addObject(counter, 100, 200);
        timer = new SimpleTimer();
The rest was OK.
horyna horyna


Whats the superworld part?
SPower SPower


That is just a class I wrote to give you extra capabilities. You don't need it here. But don't change it if you ever want to use it.
horyna horyna


okay thanks!
SPower SPower


You're welcome :)
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