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Scoter_man1 wrote ...


Problem calling methods of actors from other actors

Scoter_man1 Scoter_man1


I'm trying to make a game in which the main character collects something like coins. So, in that main character I have a variable set up to store the number of coins collected. In the Coins class, I am trying to call the method I created in the main character's class to set that variable. Here's the code in short (main character) private int Coins=0; public int getCoins() { return Coins; } public void setCoins(int num) { Coins=Coins+num; } and for the Coin class public Coin() { Maincharacter character = (Maincharacter) getOneIntersectingObject(Maincharacter.class) if (character != null) { Maincharacter.setCoins(5); } } Now, when I call try to compile, it tells me that non-static method setCoins(int) cant be referenced from a static context. I'm not really sure whats wrong. I've tried so many different things so I'd appreciate it if y'all could help.
kiarocks kiarocks


kiarocks kiarocks


also, the above in your constructor should go in your Coin's act method.
Scoter_man1 Scoter_man1


Thanks! That's helping me with so much more than just that one issue.
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