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s.hartmann wrote ...


Kinect for Windows

s.hartmann s.hartmann


Hi everybody, has someone already connected the new Kinect for Windows to Greenfoot successfully? Thank you Steffen
pluess pluess


Hi, You can connect the new Kinect for Windows (and the former Kinect for Xbox360) with Greenfoot by using our KinectJLib library (download from ). Only PCs under Windows 7 are supported. It is based on Microsoft's official Kinect for Windows distribution (not the OpenKinect software). A typical "Painter" scenario is pretty easy to program. First extend World by the KinectWorld class:
// Include in BlueJ preferences, tab 'Libraries':
//   jaw.jar
//   KinectJLib.jar
// KinectHandler.dll (or for 64-bit Java: KinectHandler64.dll) must reside in path, e.g. c:\windows

import greenfoot.*;
import ch.aplu.jaw.*;
import ch.aplu.kinect.*;

public class KinectWorld extends World
  String dllPath =  Kinect.is64bit()? "KinectHandler64" : "KinectHandler";
  String title = "Greenfoot Kinect Video Frame - Paint with your right hand - Raise left hand to erase";
  int ulx = 10; // Upper left x of window
  int uly = 20; // Upper left y of window
  int width = 600;  // Width of window in pixels
  int height = 400; // Height of window in pixels
  static int xRightHand = 1000;
  static int yRightHand = 1000;
  static int yLeftHand = 1000;

  public KinectWorld()
    super(600, 400, 1); 
    Painter p = new Painter();
    addObject(p, 300, 200);
    new Thread()
        public void run()
  void runKinect()
    Kinect kinect = new Kinect(dllPath, title, ulx, uly, width, height,
        NativeHandler.WS_BORDER | NativeHandler.WS_VISIBLE);  
    Point3D[] joints = new Point3D[20];
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
      joints[i] = new Point3D();
    while (true)
      int skeletonId = kinect.getJoints(joints, 20);  // Blocks max 200 ms
      if (skeletonId > -1)  // Valid skeleton
        int rightHandIndex = SkeletonJoint.HAND_RIGHT.ordinal();
        xRightHand = joints[rightHandIndex].x;
        yRightHand = joints[rightHandIndex].y;
        int leftHandIndex = SkeletonJoint.HAND_LEFT.ordinal();
        yLeftHand = joints[leftHandIndex].y;
      else  // No valid skeleton
        xRightHand = 1000;
        yRightHand = 1000;
        yLeftHand = 1000;
and derived from Actor

import greenfoot.*;  

public class Painter extends Actor 
   public Painter()
     setImage(new GreenfootImage(600, 400));
   public void act()
     if (KinectWorld.yLeftHand < 100)
       getImage().fillOval(KinectWorld.xRightHand, KinectWorld.yRightHand, 20, 20);
In addition to the Greenfoot window you will see a native video window. Regards Aegidius (see screenvideo)
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