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chris4800 wrote ...


Letter game constructor confusion

chris4800 chris4800


I'm trying to create a scenario which creates cards that turn over when the proper key is hit, but I can't seem to understand what I'm doing wrong in actually adding new cards to the world. the is the code for the LetterGame world class: import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class LetterGame here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class LetterGame extends World { private Selector selector; private Message message; private String imageNamesFirstRow = {"ambulance.png", "butterfly.png", "elephant.png"}; private String imageNamesSecondRow = {"frog.png", "house-03.png", "kangaroo.png"}; private String imageNamesThirdRow = {"pig.png", "tent.png", "spider.png"}; /** * Constructor for objects of class LetterGame. * */ public LetterGame() { // Create a new world with 500x500 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels. super(500, 500, 1); //This line creates the selector object - DO NOT remove or change this line. selector = new Selector(this); //Place your code for the constructor after this comment. addObject( new Message(), 250, 425); message = new Message(); //card = new Card(); for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) { addObject(new Card(selector, imageNamesFirstRow, imageNamesFirstRow.charAt(0), 39, 100)); } } public void act() { selector.newCard(); } public void showGuessMessage() { message.showGuessImage(); } public void showCorrectMessage() { message.showCorrectAnswerImage(); } } and this is the code for the Card class: import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Card here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Card extends Actor { private Selector selector; private boolean faceUp; private GreenfootImage backgroundImage; private GreenfootImage faceImage; private String letter; //private String cardImage = {"ambulance", "butterfly", "elephant", "frog", "house", "kangaroo", "pig", "spider", "tent"}; public Card(Selector sel, String fileN, char let) { selector = sel; sel.addCard(this); createInitialImage(); faceImage =new GreenfootImage(fileN); faceUp = false; letter = "" + let; //Add your code for the constructor after this comment } /** * Act - do whatever the Card wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { } public void turnOver() { //setImage(faceImage); if (faceUp) { setImage(backgroundImage); faceUp = false; } else{ setImage(faceImage); faceUp = true; } } private void createInitialImage() { backgroundImage = new GreenfootImage(100, 100); backgroundImage.setColor(java.awt.Color.BLUE); backgroundImage.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); setImage(backgroundImage); } } when I compile the LetterGame class I get the following error message: "Constructor Card in class Card cannot be applied to the given types; required: Selector,java.lang,char found; Selector, java.lang.String,char,int,int reason: actual an..." Any help would be greatly appreciated but thank you for your time nonetheless!
nccb nccb


Your bracketing in this line is wrong:
addObject(new Card(selector, imageNamesFirstRow[i], imageNamesFirstRow[i].charAt(0), 39, 100));
You are passing the X and Y positions to the Card constructor, where you meant to pass them to addObject. Move the second-to-last closing bracket on the line to after the charAt(0) call:
addObject(new Card(selector, imageNamesFirstRow[i], imageNamesFirstRow[i].charAt(0)), 39, 100);
You might need to compare those two lines closely to see the difference! One thing that can help is to move the card construction on to a separate line:
Card c = new Card(selector, imageNamesFirstRow[i], imageNamesFirstRow[i].charAt(0));
addObject(c, 39, 100);
That way, you're less likely to get the brackets confused.
chris4800 chris4800


That's it! Thank you for explaining that. It seems so obvious now haha. Thanks again. It is much appreciated!
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