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Greenfoot back
h123n wrote ...


how do I create a standard variable?

h123n h123n


I am sort of new and I have a game where you play as a bee who fires nectar.However the nectar can only go right,but I want it to go to whatever direction the bee is facing.Here is my code:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class bee here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class bee extends Actor
     * Act - do whatever the bee wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("left"))
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("right"))

if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("up"))
World world;
world = getWorld();
world.addObject (new nectar(), getX(), getY());
And the code for nectar is;
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

I need some sort of variable or boolean to find the direction the bees facing
 * Write a description of class nectar here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class nectar extends Actor
     * Act - do whatever the nectar wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
       move (6);
Denzien Denzien


Yeah I'm not sure myself, but it includes setting the rotation of the nectar the same as the rotation of the bee Try download a scenario that includes the thing you want "Mic's Asteroids" is a good one to look at to get an idea.
danpost danpost


The easiest way to do this, is to create a constructor for 'nectar' that recieves the 'bee' object.
public nectar(bee b)
and the 'bee object can create it with
getWorld().addObject(new nectar(this), getX(), getY());
h123n h123n


Thanks danpost and Denzein! now my bee can actually fire nectar anywhere!
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