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billcoke wrote ...


Greeps discussions

billcoke billcoke


Let me start off by saying I'm new to the site. I'm preparing to teach a course in OOP Fall of 2012. I'm pulling together content for the course (still in the early stages of laying out the course) and stumbled upon the Greenfoot site/project. While skimming through "Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot" book I found the chapter on the Greeps. This looks like it might be an excellent project (I'm sure you know that but doesn't hurt to give cudos when deserved). Just wondering if the discussion posts about the Greeps code ever get scrubbed on this site? Ie. does anyone ever go in and pull out code snippets that might give current/future students an advantage? If not, that is fine I understand the limitations on time. Just wanted to understand what would be available to my students. Might look into creating my own competition that is slightly different so any code snippets wouldn't provide undo assistance. Thanks, Bill
davmac davmac


We generally do remove Greeps code, yes. The nature of Greeps is such that it's best if students try things for themselves, so I have removed discussions and uploaded scenarios in the past (with the scenarios, I usually just ask the uploader to remove them).
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