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Tupac wrote ...


Interval at shooting

Tupac Tupac


Hello, this may sound as a very basic question but Im only just starting. I don't want people to shoot at no interval, so how do I set an interval? So for example; if people shoot 2 times, there should be a reloading time. How do I program this in the following?
        if ("space".equals(Greenfoot.getKey()))
        if ("space".equals(Greenfoot.getKey()))
Thanks in advance
kiarocks kiarocks


You'll want a counter that gets set when people fire, so declare a variable, let's call it "FIRE_INTERVAL", in your actor class like so:
static final int FIRE_INTERVAL = 100;
'static' means that it will be shared over every actor, and 'final' makes it so it doesn't get changed from what you set it to. Declare another variable called 'fireCountdown':
int fireCountdown = 0;
in your actor class, and when someone fires set it to FIRE_INTERVAL:
            fireCountdown = FIRE_INTERVAL;
Then, put this in the act() method:
if (fireCountdown > 0) {
so the variable goes down. Finally, change
("space".equals(Greenfoot.getKey()) && fireCountdown == 0)
so that it only lets people fire when fireCountdown is 0. That should do it!
Tupac Tupac


It works, but I can only fire once. So may I ask you: how do I set the interval?
davmac davmac


Don't use Greenfoot.getKey() for this. Use Greenfoot.isKeyDown(...).
Tupac Tupac


davmac wrote...
Don't use Greenfoot.getKey() for this. Use Greenfoot.isKeyDown(...).
This solves the problem, thanks!
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