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Greenfoot back
Nooyi wrote ...


use a String in isTouching()??

Nooyi Nooyi


Hello, I need some help with this code (the world is 8 x 8):
public int numberOfActors(String actor)   {
        int beginX = getX();
        int beginY = getY();
        int numberActor = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)  {
            for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++)  {
                if(isTouching( ??? .class)) {
        setLocation (beginX,beginY);
        return anzahlActor;
I don't know how to write that greenfoot should integrate the name in the string actor. Is there someone who could help me? :)
danpost danpost


There is something amiss about this. Give me a second. Why cannot you use:
int anzahlActor = getWorld().getObjects(ClassName.class).size();
By replacing 'ClassName' with the name of the class, this should give you the count of objects of that class that are in the world.
davmac davmac


You can use:
To dynamically find a class using its name. I think this is what you want? i.e.
                if(isTouching(Class.forName(actor))) {  
However, it's probably much better just to pass a Class into your method rather than a String:
    public int numberOfActors(Class actor)   {  
            int beginX = getX();  
            int beginY = getY();  
            int numberActor = 0;  
            for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)  {  
                for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++)  {  
                    if(isTouching(actor)) {  
            setLocation (beginX,beginY);  
            return anzahlActor;  
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