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hector wrote ...


Problem with German Umlauts

hector hector


Hello, I followed the book's piano example which uses the Greenfoot.isKeyDown(String) method. This works fine for e.g. Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a") but fails completely when testing for non-ascii characters like Greenfoot.isKeyDown("ß") (I hope you can see the German ß). I've tried to understand the source code with limited success. Is there a workaround or possibly a prospective patch? BTW: Google directs me towards and . Unfortunately both articles are in German and have not yet received any reply. Regards, Martin
erdelf erdelf


can u work with the getKey method`? I just tested it and the getKey method returns the right german characters
hector hector


Maybe I don't understand Greenfoot.getKey() completely. Issuing
System.out.println("key=" + Greenfoot.getKey());
yields null. I've added a while loop to wait for changes an can see the right character indeed. But I do not have any clue how to use this method testing for a key pressed state inside act(). The method
boolean isKeyDown(int keycode)
in greenfoot.gui.input.KeyboardManager might do the trick but this is an instance method and using
is rather clumsy if it works at all.
erdelf erdelf


the getKey method returns the last key pressed since the last method call, so in a while loop might not return something regularily
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