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Greenfoot back
seikan wrote ...


Requesting help for changing color of a series of pixels please!

danpost danpost


In what class are you putting the 'getPixelCount' method?
seikan seikan


I was putting it in a picture subclass. Not in world, I was using dot notation to access the World methods getHeight() and getWidth() it's kind of a weird greenfoot scenario, theWorld is just a variable for world because of some weird stuff about the constructor having a null pointer exception. Was that way when I got the scenario
danpost danpost


Please show the code for the picture subclass (preferably all of it).
seikan seikan


edit: oh oops, i gave you picture. I'll make a new post with the pictute Subclass. Here you go, the code I am supposed to make it in a further subclass of Picture called WinterWonderland- where I make the changes to the pixels and colors...
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 * Extend this class to add your picture manipulation methods.
public class Picture extends Actor
    private String source;
    private int count;
    private Pixel[] allThePixels;

     * Default Constructor
    public Picture(){
        this.allThePixels = getPixels();

     * Constructor that accepts a file image name so that we can
     * create additional images
     * @param imageFileName represents the name of the new image
     * to create.
    public Picture(String imageFileName){

     * This method is called by the Greenfoot framework. You may want to override it 
     * to automatically load a picture and carry out manipulations when the user clicks
     * on the act button in Greenfoot.
    public void act() 

     * Gets a pixel for a specific <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> location
     * @param x the x location of the pixel in the picture
     * @param y the y location of the pixel in the picture
     * @return a Pixel object for the given location
    public Pixel getPixel(int x, int y)
        return new Pixel(this, x, y);
     * Gets the pixel at <code>index</code> position in the list
     * @param index the position of the pixel in a list of pixels
     * @return a Pixel object from the given position in the list
    public Pixel getPixel(int index)
        int num = getWorld().getHeight() * getWorld().getWidth();
        if (index < 0 || ( index >= num ) ) {
            String msg = index + " not between 0 and " + num + 
                        "\nThis means that the position " + index + 
                        " is not in the list - \ngenerally it means that " +
                        "you have looped too far.  \nCheck your condition";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        return allThePixels[index];

     * Gets all pixels in this picture
     * @return an array of Pixel objects, traversed by
     * row then by column.
    public Pixel[] getPixels()
        int width = getImage().getWidth();
        int height = getImage().getHeight();
        Pixel[] pixels = new Pixel[width * height];

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                pixels[y * width + x] = new Pixel(this, x, y);
        return pixels;

     * Loads a picture from a given source. 
     * @param source the image source. If the source starts
     * with http://, it is a URL, otherwise, a filename.
    public void load(String source)
            if (source.startsWith("http://"))
                BufferedImage img = URL(source).openStream());
                int width = img.getWidth();
                int height = img.getHeight();
                GreenfootImage gimg = new GreenfootImage(width, height);
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        gimg.setColorAt(x, y, new java.awt.Color(img.getRGB(x, y)));
                setImage(new GreenfootImage(source));
                World world = getWorld();
                if (world != null) {
            this.source = source;
        catch (Exception ex)
            this.source = null;

     * Reloads this picture, undoing any manipulations.
    public void reload()

     * Displays a file chooser for picking a picture.
    public void pick()
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(".");
        if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)

     * This method is called by the Greenfoot framework.
    public void repaint()
        if (count == 10 * getImage().getWidth()) 
            count = 0;
Here is another class called Pixel, didnt know if you'd want to see it
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;

public class Pixel
    private Picture picture;  
    private int x; 
    private int y;   

     * Constructs a pixel at a given location in a picture.
     * @param picture the picture containing the pixel
     * @param x the x-coordinate of the pixel
     * @param y the y-coordinate of the pixel
    public Pixel(Picture picture, int x, int y) {
        if (x < 0 || x >= picture.getImage().getWidth()){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x value " + x + " is not in range 0.." + (picture.getImage().getWidth() - 1));
        if (y < 0 || y >= picture.getImage().getHeight()){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y value " + y + " is not in range 0.." + (picture.getImage().getHeight() - 1));
        this.picture = picture;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

     * Gets the x location of this pixel.  
     * @return the x location of this pixel
    public int getX() { 
        return x; 

     * Gets the y location of this pixel.  
     * @return the y location of this pixel
    public int getY() { 
        return y; 

     * Gets the red value of this pixel.
     * @return the red value (0..255)
    public int getRed() { 
        return picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y).getRed();

     * Gets the green value of this pixel.
     * @return the green value (0..255)
    public int getGreen() { 
        return picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y).getGreen();

     * Gets the blue value of this pixel.
     * @return the blue value (0..255)
    public int getBlue() { 
        return picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y).getBlue();

     * Gets the Color value of this pixel.
     * @return the Color value
    public Color getColor(){ 
        return new Color(picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y));

     * Gets the Color value of this pixel.
     * @return the Color value
    public Color getColor(int xParam, int yParam){ 
        return new Color(picture.getImage().getColorAt(xParam, yParam));

     * Sets the red value of this pixel.
     * @param value the red value (0..255)
    public void setRed(double value){
        if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " not between 0 and 255");
        java.awt.Color color = picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y);
        picture.getImage().setColorAt(x, y, new Color((int) value, color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()));

     * Sets the red value of this pixel.
     * @param value the red value (0..255)
    public void setGreen(double value){
        if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " not between 0 and 255");
        java.awt.Color color = picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y);
        picture.getImage().setColorAt(x, y, new Color(color.getRed(), (int) value, color.getBlue()));

     * Sets the red value of this pixel.
     * @param value the red value (0..255)
    public void setBlue(double value){
        if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " not between 0 and 255");
        java.awt.Color color = picture.getImage().getColorAt(x, y);
        picture.getImage().setColorAt(x, y, new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), (int) value));

     * Sets all the Color values for this pixel.
     * @param newRed the new Color value for red
     * @param newGreen the new Color value for green
     * @param newBlue the new Color value for blue
    public void setColor(double newRed, double newGreen, double newBlue) {
        picture.getImage().setColorAt(x, y, new Color(newRed, newGreen, newBlue));

     * Sets the Color value of this pixel.
     * @param value the Color value
    public void setColor(java.awt.Color value) {
        picture.getImage().setColorAt(x, y, value);

     * Gets the distance between this pixel's color and another color.
     * @param other the other color
     * @return the distance between this pixel's color and the other color
    public double colorDistance(java.awt.Color other) {
        int dr = getRed() - other.getRed();
        int dg = getGreen() - other.getGreen();
        int db = getBlue() - other.getBlue();
        return Math.sqrt(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db);

     * Gets the average of the color values of this pixel.
     * @return the average of the red, green, and blue values
    public double getAverage() {
        return (getRed() + getGreen() + getBlue()) / 3.0;

    public String toString() {
        return "Pixel[x=" + x + ",y=" + y 
        + ",red=" + getRed() 
        + ",green=" + getGreen() 
        + ",blue=" + getBlue() + "]" ;
seikan seikan


import greenfoot.*;

public class WinterWonderland extends Picture
    private World theWorld;
    private Printer thePrinter;

     * This is the default constructor for the WinterWonderland class
    public WinterWonderland()
        thePrinter = new Printer("Now showing:");

    public void act(){
        theWorld.addObject(thePrinter, 300, 790);

     * This method will return an integer that represents the number of pixels in the world.
    public void getPixelCount()

     * Run the project.  This method creates a red dot five pixels wide by five pixels high
     * on the left hand side of image half way down.  Look for it in the bricks.
     * I would suggest getting rid of all this repetition. It will make the other
     * methods easier to think about once you have all this in a loop.
    public void redDot(){

            int i=240000; 
            while ( i<=240005)
                Pixel aRandomPix = getPixel(i);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240001);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240002);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240003);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240004);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240005);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         //  end first row of dot
        //         //
            int i=240600;

            while ( i<=240605)
                Pixel aRandomPix = getPixel(i);
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240600);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240601);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240602);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240603);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240604);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(240605);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // end second row of dot
            int i=241200;
            while ( i<=241205)
                Pixel aRandomPix = getPixel(i);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = geixel(241200);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241201);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241202);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241203);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241204);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241205);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         //  end third row of dot
            int i=241800;

            while ( i<=241805)
                Pixel aRandomPix = getPixel(i);

        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241800);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241801);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241802);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241803);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241804);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(241805);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         //  end forth row of dot
            int i=242400;

            while ( i<=242405)
                Pixel aRandomPix = getPixel(i);

        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242400);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242401);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242402);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242403);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242404);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         // 
        //         //         aRandomPix = getPixel(242405);
        //         //         aRandomPix.setColor(Color.RED);
        //         //  end fifth row of dot

     * This method will increase the current red color value for all pixels by 30%.
    public void increaseRed()

        int getPixel=5000;

        while ( getPixel<=7050)
            Pixel myPix=getPixel(getPixel);


     * This method will create a solid colored 200X200 square in the top left hand corner of the world. 
    public void topLeftSquare()  
         int x=0;  
         int y=0;  
             Pixel sqPix=getPixel(x,y);  
     * This method will invert the colors of the given image area or space
    public void invertColors()


     * Method automatically called by the Greenfoot IDE when the WinterWonderland 
     * object is added to the world - hence the name.  
     * You will never have to call this method.  It is used here
     * to initialize theWorld instance variable because I cannot get this object reference when the constructor 
     * executes - the world does not exist for the WinterWonderland class at that point.
    public void addedToWorld(World world){
        theWorld = world;
danpost danpost


I do not understand why you are doing so much of the coding that is already supplied to you through the Greenfoot API. For example, I do not see any reason for having the 'addedToWorld' method in the WinterWonderland class to hold a reference to the world when 'getWorld' is a method of the Actor class to get that reference. And the Picture and Pixel classes are pretty much redundant of the GreenfootImage class with its methods: 'getColorAt', 'setColorAt', 'setColor', 'fillRect', etc., all which could be utilized in your scenario instead of creating methods to do pretty much what they do.
seikan seikan


I agree. This is all code supplied by my professor that she wants us to utilize and use to complete the methods I mentioned before. It's absurd and redundant and I havent been taught this stuff properly. Just instructions instead of conveying an understanding of the tools. I didn't write any of that except for the few things that I posted before I posted the whole classes.
danpost danpost


In the WinterWonderland class, this would be your 'getPixelCount' method:
public int getPixelCount()
    return theWorld.getWidth() * theWorld.getHeight();
seikan seikan


Thank you, ironically I just figured that out a minute ago. as is it was doing nothing. had the wrong return type ha..ugh. here's what I got. now that I have that, is there any way I can use the return of pixels to isolate a 200x200 area? I'm just at a loss. I can isolate horizontal, vertical, or diagonal skinny lines but I cant seem to restrict it to a whole block area. I will just do what you advised and use the drawImage thing to fill that area. I think that'll be best.
     * This method will return an integer that represents the number of pixels in the world.
    public int getPixelCount()
        return theWorld.getHeight()*theWorld.getWidth();
danpost danpost


You are probably required to use the methods given within the scenario as provided. For example to iterate through the top-left 200x200 rectangle of pixels:
for (int y=0; y<200; y++) for (int x=0; x<200; x++)
    Pixel pixel = new Pixel(this, x, y);
    // alter pixel using get and set methods in the Pixel class
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