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Sykesfaction wrote ...


Give Image Color

Sykesfaction Sykesfaction


I am trying to give images color as background. I am having a hard time doing it i have tried set-color which didn't work. I have included the code below. /** * this method will create an drsesus image refrence */ public void drSesus() { setImage("cat_in_hat.jpg"); } /** * this image will show where mickey mouse live which is disney land. */ public void mickeyMouse() { setImage("disneyLights.jpg"); }
danpost danpost


I do not see any 'setColor' method calls anywhere in the code you posted. How can we help?
Sykesfaction Sykesfaction


This is what i am talking about. I'm trying to change the color when i call the image but when i call setColor it say it cant find the method. /** * this image will show where mickey mouse live which is disney land. */ public void mickeyMouse() { setImage("disneyLights.jpg"); setColor(20,0,0); }
danpost danpost


The 'setColor' method has only one parameter and it must be of Color type. You are showing three 'int's for the parameters in your 'setColor' method call. You can create a new Color with those color part values with 'new Color(20, 0, 0)' (or 'new java.awt.Color(20, 0, 0)' if you do not 'import java.awt.Color;').
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