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chrissy098 wrote ...


adding a end message

chrissy098 chrissy098


ive posted about this before but its changes, i want to add 4 diffrent messages the will pop up when the player collides with the ending actor, how would i do this?
danpost danpost


What are the differences between the 4 ending messages (be specific)? what are the classes of the 'ending actor' and the 'player'?
chrissy098 chrissy098


the end messages are to work with a counter, 3 levels with a present to collect, so if you miss them all the message at the end is bad, and it gets better with the amount you collect
danpost danpost


chrissy098 wrote...
the end messages are to work with a counter, 3 levels with a present to collect, so if you miss them all the message at the end is bad, and it gets better with the amount you collect
That is not what I was asking for. I want to know if you use 4 different Strings, 4 different backgrounds, 4 different worlds, etc. I want to know exactly how you intent to display the messages, what the differences are between displaying each.
chrissy098 chrissy098


just a pop out message....
danpost danpost


Is it an Actor class? Post its code.
chrissy098 chrissy098


ive not made any classes for the end yet
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