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arnchi wrote ...


add object when 2 rockets are eaten

arnchi arnchi


i used rocketseaten but it no longer works because is used to have 1 ball now i have more balls i probaly need to transfer the code to a higher level but how ?? import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class balltest here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Ball extends SmoothMover { // First we set up our velocity variables - these basically control horizontal and vertical speed // Horizontal velocity is set to random, and vertical starts at zero. private int xVel=Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10)-5; private int yVel=0; private int RocketsEaten; private int life = 30; private int damage = 16; private int stability; private int stNumber; // this variable is used to control whether or not we actually check for collisions (see below private int collisionTimer=0; /** * This is the main game loop for the ball * Basically, it handles acceleration (up to a maximum speed), and then checks for collisions * before moving the ball. Technically the screen bounce code should really be in the checkCollisions() * method. */ public void act() { stuiter(); lookForRocket(); lookForRocket2(); } private void stuiter() { // First of allm, increase vertical speed by 1. This is similar to the effect of gravity // (constand downward acceleration) yVel++; // if our vertical speed hits 25, it can't go any higher if (yVel>25) { yVel=25; } // Next up is the collision checking. It's set so that after every collision, there are ten // game 'ticks' during which time the ball does not check for collisions. This helps to // eliminate situations with actors getting stuck in a continual bouncing cycle if (collisionTimer==0){ checkCollisions(); /** checkCollisions2(); */ } // if a collision has occurred within the last 10 ticks, we just increment the timer. // if the timer reaches 10, we reset it to 0 to show that the ball's ready toc heck collisions again. else { collisionTimer++; if(collisionTimer>10){ collisionTimer=0; } } //call the move method with given x and y velocity move(xVel, yVel); // This basically checks to see if we've hit the floor or the sides of the screen and bounces accordingly. if (getY()>getWorld().getHeight()-2){ yVel=-yVel-6; } if (getX()>getWorld().getWidth()-2 || getX()<2 ){ xVel=-xVel; } } /** * The move method is very simple, it merely sets the actor's location according to xVel and yVel. */ private void move(int xVel, int yVel) { setLocation(getX()+xVel,getY()+yVel); } /** * This method handles the collisions with other balls */ private void checkCollisions() { //we start by getting a reference to the first colliding object Actor collidingActor = getOneIntersectingObject(Obstacle.class); // next we check to see if a collision is actually taking place if (collidingActor != null){ // the next condition checks a couple of things. Firstly, it checks if the ball we're colliding with // is to the left of us and we are travelling to the left OR if it's to the right of us and // we're travelling to the right. If we are, then chances are we've got a horizontal collision. if ((collidingActor.getX()<getX() && xVel <0) || (collidingActor.getX()>getX() && xVel > 0)){ //so we simply invert the x velocity and set the collision timer going so we don't check // for collisions in the next 10 ticks xVel=-xVel; collisionTimer++; } // the next condition is similar to the first, but it checks if the ball we're colliding with // is to the above us and we are travelling up OR if it's below us and we're travelling down. // If we are, then chances are we've got a vertical collision. if ((collidingActor.getY()<getY() && yVel <0) || (collidingActor.getY()>getY() && yVel >0)){ // so we invert the Y velocity, and set the timer going. yVel=-yVel; collisionTimer++; } } } /** * This method handles the collisions with other balls private void checkCollisions2() { //we start by getting a reference to the first colliding object Actor collidingActor = getOneIntersectingObject(Obstacle.class); // next we check to see if a collision is actually taking place if (collidingActor != null){ // the next condition checks a couple of things. Firstly, it checks if the ball we're colliding with // is to the left of us and we are travelling to the left OR if it's to the right of us and // we're travelling to the right. If we are, then chances are we've got a horizontal collision. if ((collidingActor.getX()<getX() && xVel <0) || (collidingActor.getX()>getX() && xVel > 0)){ //so we simply invert the x velocity and set the collision timer going so we don't check // for collisions in the next 10 ticks xVel=-xVel; collisionTimer++; } // the next condition is similar to the first, but it checks if the ball we're colliding with // is to the above us and we are travelling up OR if it's below us and we're travelling down. // If we are, then chances are we've got a vertical collision. if ((collidingActor.getY()<getY() && yVel <0) || (collidingActor.getY()>getY() && yVel >0)){ // so we invert the Y velocity, and set the timer going. yVel=-yVel; collisionTimer++; } } } */ /** hierna komt code die zelf is ingebracht dit moet zeker blijven staan */ private void lookForRocket() { if ( canSee(Rocket.class) ) { eat(Rocket.class); /** Greenfoot.playSound("slurp.wav"); */ RocketsEaten = RocketsEaten + 1; if (RocketsEaten == 2) { /** Greenfoot.playSound("fanfare.wav"); */ setLocation(400, 300); getWorld().addObject(new Gameover(), getX(), getY()); } } } private void lookForRocket2() { if ( canSee(Rocket2.class) ) { eat(Rocket2.class); /** Greenfoot.playSound("slurp.wav"); */ RocketsEaten = RocketsEaten + 1; if (RocketsEaten == 2) { /** Greenfoot.playSound("fanfare.wav"); */ setLocation(400, 300); getWorld().addObject(new Gameover(), getX(), getY()); } } } }
arnchi arnchi


and how to let green pick between two number is have this now private int xVel=Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10)-5; but need to become a choos between -5 and 5 sequently
danpost danpost


The problem may be that each instance of Ball has its own counter for rockets eaten. If you want all ball objects to share a common rockets eaten field, then make the field 'static' (public static int RocketsEaten;).
arnchi arnchi


i think that is the problem is also weer private void but i have changed it but it stil not work
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