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Greenfoot back
askgriff wrote ...


Can you use something like "isTouching" for colors?

askgriff askgriff


I want to make a game similar to the old "Caverns of Mars" (from my childhood) where I can either randomly generate or paint in Photoshop some cavern walls and navigate a spaceship through them. If the object (rocket/spaceship) touches the edge (i.e. the green border in the example) the object blows up. I may want to build some really graphic mazes and whatnot with Photoshop, so I think a specific target color might be good -- but I have no idea how to do something like that. (Or if it's possible). Thanks in advance.
danpost danpost


The detection for the edges here would be similar to the detection for the actor in my Line Following Demo.
askgriff askgriff


Interesting -- so something like this: if (getWorld().getBackground().getColorAt(getX(), getY()).equals( Thanks, danpost. I'll give it a shot.
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