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Greenfoot back
Zocker1996 wrote ...


Open Url in browser

Zocker1996 Zocker1996


Hi guys... I have used google and foudn many sulutions but no worked for me... so I am here now. I wan't that if you click on the actor the browser: import greenfoot.*; import*; import*; public class regeln extends Actor { public void act() { if(Greenfoot.mousePressed(this)) { ######## OPEN "" ############ } } }
actinium actinium


Its not that simple zocker. The act method is like a thread that executes so many times a second. Even if you could open a browser this way you would quickly clog up your system opening the same page in a new instance of the browser. Greenfoot is mostly used for games and scientific simulations.
Zocker1996 Zocker1996


hm ok... but is there any way to play a video?
Zocker1996 Zocker1996


so now i have convertet it to a !!!GIF!!!! and it work fine... i use to use the gif... now there is a loop. so i need to remove tha actor after it hast finished. to do that is shuld use a timer or something. the gif is 21 seconds ... how i make a timer????
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