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Paddy-Boom wrote ...


call a method only once

Paddy-Boom Paddy-Boom


I want an image to only be added once to the world, but if the run button is clicked the method is called over and over again. How can i add an object only once?
danpost danpost


If you want your scenario to start with the image, then move the code that adds the image to the world constructor. Example 'MyWorld' world:
import greenfoot.*;
// possible other imports

public class MyWorld extends World
    // possible field declarations

    public MyWorld() // constuctor header
        super(600, 400, 1);
        // place code to add image here
        // possible other initial set-up code

    // any methods you may have
Paddy-Boom Paddy-Boom


I want the image to be added if the gameOver() method is called.. As another solution i created an GameOver World which worked out perfectly, the only problem is, that i can't get the value from the counter i added in the Level-World I uploaded the scenario please have look.
danpost danpost


In your GameOver world code, instead of 'public GameOver()', use 'public GameOver(int finalScore)'; and after creating the Counter object in the GameOver world, use 'the2counter.setValue(finalScore);'. Finally, create the new world from within Level with 'Greenfoot.setWorld(new GameOver(theCounter.getValue());'.
Paddy-Boom Paddy-Boom


it works! thanks a lot :)
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