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Miki wrote ...


Image based reaction

Miki Miki


Hiii! Is there any way to create an image based reaction? In my game, I have lobsters and crabs, where clicking a button adds crabs and another button creates lobsters. Lobsters eat the crabs, and grow bigger as they do so. I was wondering if it was possible so that if a lobster meets another lobster, depending on which lobster is bigger, they eat each other? Thanks!
vonmeth vonmeth


You can use the GreenfootImage class to get the width or height of the object. Just compare the two objects image sizes like that.
        Lobster lobster = (Lobster) getOneIntersectingObject(Lobster.class);
        if(lobster != null && lobster.getImage().getWidth() < getImage().getWidth())
tylers tylers


and to make it bigger use:
getImage().scale(getImage().getWidth()+10, getImage().getHeight()+10 ) 
Miki Miki


Thank you guys so much!!!!! :D
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