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erdelf wrote ...


NumberFormat exception

erdelf erdelf


I get this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "rect x=" in this line:
int a = Integer.parseInt(read_x);
read_x is a string. help required
mjrb4 mjrb4


The string that you're parsing needs to consist only of digits (0-9), because otherwise it makes no sense as an integer. You're trying to convert "rect x=" into a number, hence the error. I presume from your other thread you're probably calculating the substring the wrong way round - I would imagine you need the bit after "rect x=" to convert to an integer (though this is just a guess.)
erdelf erdelf


thx for the help. Now it is really interesting, same line, changed the substring, and got this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0 "
danpost danpost


Looks like there is an extra space after the zero in the string.
erdelf erdelf


well, if I short the substring at the end, it returns the same error with the input string " "
danpost danpost


try using the 'trim' method: " string ".trim() becomes "string"
mjrb4 mjrb4


erdelf wrote...
well, if I short the substring at the end, it returns the same error with the input string " "
That's probably because you're incorrectly changing the arguments to substring - you're probably adding one to the first parameter (or using the one parameter version of substring), rather than taking one from the second parameter. Doing so should remove the space. Alternatively, danpost's suggestion of using trim() should work just as well.
erdelf erdelf


@danpost, I will try the trim method, as soon as I am home. @mjrb4, I am using the two parameter version, and changed the second parameter
erdelf erdelf


trim doesnt seem to work, i still get the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0 "
mjrb4 mjrb4


Can you post the exact block of code you're using? Non-breaking spaces aside, trim *will* remove whitespace from the end of a string if used correctly.
erdelf erdelf


thank you for your help this works now; I was dumb and wrote
instead of
read_x = read_x.trim();
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