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jmextratall wrote ...


Adding An Object to a World

jmextratall jmextratall


How can I use a conditional statement in my addObject loop to ensure that the object I add is not cut off by the edge of the world? In other words, I need to apply a condition such that the new object added is entirely within the world. I have to add five objects at random locations that meet that criteria. I can add five objects at random locations, but I can't yet guarantee that all five are completely within the world and not at all cut off by the edge. Any help would be appreciated!
danpost danpost


First add it to the world, then check its coordinates with those of the edges of the world plus or minus half its image's dimensions; adjusting accordingly. You could use a 'do' loop to randomly set the location of the object until it is within boundary limits of all four edges; or you could have four individually check (one for each edge) and if outside the edge's limit, move the object back to the limit of that edge.
jmextratall jmextratall


But how can I do that as variable, to account for an image of any size?? Here is how I have attempted it so far, which works, except I can't guarantee 5 objects every time.
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth() - 50);
            int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight() - 50);
            if(x >= 50 && y >= 50)
                addObject (new Orb (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(15), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(15)),
                x, y);
x >= 50 && y >= 50
portion in the conditional statement is meant to accomplish that, but when the random numbers don't meet that condition I don't get an object at all.
danpost danpost


You can change lines 3 and 4 to the following and remove lines 5, 6, and 9.
int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth() - 100) + 50;
int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight() - 100) + 50;
The two lines above will, by themselves, restrict the value to the following x >= 50 && x < getWidth() - 50 y >= 50 && y < getHeight() - 50 If your world was 600x400 then x would be 50 to 549 and y would be 50 to 349. So. with that, all that needs done is placing the object at that location.
jmextratall jmextratall


Aha! My father-in-law actually said that but didn't know how to code it. Thank you for filling in the missing gaps for me! I appreciate your help.
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