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bonana wrote ...


limitating a number of objects

bonana bonana


hey, how can I limitate a number of objects of the same class being in my world? for example: a maximum of 3 pencils should be on my desk ^^
SPower SPower


This would be my solution:
// at the top:
import java.util.Hashtable;

// at the beginning of the class:
private Hashtable objectKindCount = new HashTable();

// somewhere in your class:
public void addObject(Actor object, x, y)
    Integer num = objectKindCount.get(object.getClass());
    int number = 0;
    if (num != null)
        number = num.intValue();
    if (number < limit) {
        objectKindCount.put((number +1), object.getClass());
danpost danpost


My solution would be to add a method (Actor object named "Pencil" to be limited to 3 instances)
public boolean canAddPencil()
    // in the world class, use this line
    return getObjects(Pencil.class).size() < 3;
    // or, in an actor class, use this line
    return getWorld().getObjects(Pencil.class).size() < 3;
Place the code in the class you are adding the pencils into the world from; and use
// if in the world class
if (canAddPencil()) addObject(new Pencil(), 100, 100); // wherever
// if in an actor class
if (canAddPencil()) getWorld().addObject(new Pencil(), 100, 100);
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