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Greenfoot back
zehbi-tracker wrote ...


How do i make my character jump?

zehbi-tracker zehbi-tracker


I want my character to jump and fall down but every time i look at a yt tutorial or one of the examples ocdes here i cant get it working. I am making a 2d fighter game for school and am a newbee to greenfoot. Could anybody give me advise on how to make my character jump. (Snelheid is dutch and it means speed)
public class Joker extends Actor {
    public int snelheid = 4;
     * Act - do whatever the Joker wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
    public void checkKeys()
        setLocation(getX() + snelheid, getY());
        setLocation(getX() - snelheid, getY());
danpost danpost


zehbi-tracker wrote...
I want my character to jump and fall down but every time i look at a yt tutorial or one of the examples ocdes here i cant get it working.
You might want to check out my Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform scenario.
zehbi-tracker zehbi-tracker


thx it worked btw
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