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Greenfoot back
KCee wrote ...


i want actors in my simulation to pass actors in front of them

KCee KCee


I have a bunch of actors under a superclass called "Vehicle". All of them move from the left side of the screen to the right and then disappear when they hit the edge of the world. There are 6 lanes in the road that these actors travel on. What I want to do is when there are 2 actors in the same lane, and one actor is right behind another actor, I want it to check if the lane to its right is empty, and if so, move into that lane. How would i check if the lane is empty? and how would i make it change lanes? World code:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * <h1>The new and vastly improved 2022 Vehicle Simulation Assignment.</h1>
 * <p> This is the first redo of the 8 year old project. Lanes are now drawn dynamically, allowing for
 *     much greater customization. Pedestrians can now move in two directions. The graphics are better
 *     and the interactions smoother.</p>
 * <p> The Pedestrians are not as dumb as before (they don't want straight into Vehicles) and the Vehicles
 *     do a somewhat better job detecting Pedestrians.</p>
 * Version Notes - Feb 2023
 * --> Includes grid <--> lane conversion method
 * --> Now starts with 1-way, 5 lane setup (easier)

 * Music Used
 * No Sleep for Busy Minds – sombre, melancholic piece, piano and small guitar elements BIIANSU
public class VehicleWorld extends World
    private GreenfootImage background;

    // Color Constants
    public static Color GREY_BORDER = new Color (108, 108, 108);
    public static Color GREY_STREET = new Color (88, 88, 88);
    public static Color YELLOW_LINE = new Color (255, 216, 0);
    public static Color GREEN_STREET = new Color (114, 135, 0);
    public static Color BROWN_LINE = new Color (101, 67, 33);
    public static Color BROWN_BORDER = new Color (101, 67, 33);

    // Instance variables / Objects
    private boolean twoWayTraffic, splitAtCenter;
    private int laneHeight, laneCount, spaceBetweenLanes;
    private int[] lanePositionsY;
    private VehicleSpawner[] laneSpawners;
    private GreenfootSound worldSound;
    //Static Variables
    private static boolean bloodMooning;

     * Constructor for objects of class MyWorld.
    public VehicleWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(800, 600, 1, false); 

        setPaintOrder (Villager.class, EvilWitch.class, GoodWitch.class, Bus.class, Acidmon.class, BloodDemon.class, Prowler.class);
        bloodMooning = false;
        worldSound = new GreenfootSound ("backgroundsound.wav");
        // set up background
        GreenfootImage background = new GreenfootImage("background.png"); 
        background.scale(getWidth(), getHeight());

        // Set critical variables
        laneCount = 6;
        laneHeight = 48;
        spaceBetweenLanes = 6;
        splitAtCenter = false;
        twoWayTraffic = false;

        // Init lane spawner objects 
        laneSpawners = new VehicleSpawner[laneCount];

        // Prepare lanes method - draws the lanes
        lanePositionsY = prepareLanes (this, background, laneSpawners, 222, laneHeight, laneCount, spaceBetweenLanes, twoWayTraffic, splitAtCenter);


    public void act () {
    public void started()
    private void spawn () {
        // Chance to spawn a vehicle
        if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (60) == 0){
            int lane = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(laneCount);
            if (!laneSpawners[lane].isTouchingVehicle()){
                int vehicleType = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(4);
                if (vehicleType == 0){
                    addObject(new Acidmon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                } else if (vehicleType == 1){
                    addObject(new Bus(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                //} else if (vehicleType == 2){
                    //addObject(new BloodDemon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                } else if (vehicleType == 2){
                    addObject(new Prowler(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                } else if (vehicleType == 3){
                    addObject(new RootedCorpse(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);

        // Chance to spawn a Pedestrian
        if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (80) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new Villager (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new Villager (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        else if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (160) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new EvilWitch (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new EvilWitch (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        else if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (160) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new GoodWitch (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new GoodWitch (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        if (!bloodMooning && Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200) == 0){
            int lane = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(laneCount);
            addObject (new BloodMoon(240), 400, 300);
            addObject(new BloodDemon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
            bloodMooning = true;
        if (bloodMooning && getObjects(BloodMoon.class).size() == 0){
            bloodMooning = false;
    public static boolean isBloodMooning()
        return bloodMooning;

     *  Given a lane number (zero-indexed), return the y position
     *  in the centre of the lane. (doesn't factor offset, so 
     *  watch your offset, i.e. with Bus).
     *  @param lane the lane number (zero-indexed)
     *  @return int the y position of the lane's center, or -1 if invalid
    public int getLaneY (int lane){
        if (lane < lanePositionsY.length){
            return lanePositionsY[lane];
        return -1;
     * Given a y-position, return the lane number (zero-indexed).
     * Note that the y-position must be valid, and you should 
     * include the offset in your calculations before calling this method.
     * For example, if a Bus is in a lane at y=100, but is offset by -20,
     * it is actually in the lane located at y=80, so you should send
     * 80 to this method, not 100.
     * @param y - the y position of the lane the Vehicle is in
     * @return int the lane number, zero-indexed
    public int getLane (int y){
        for (int i = 0; i < lanePositionsY.length; i++){
            if (y == lanePositionsY[i]){
                return i;
        return -1;
    public static int[] prepareLanes (World world, GreenfootImage target, VehicleSpawner[] spawners, int startY, int heightPerLane, int lanes, int spacing, boolean twoWay, boolean centreSplit, int centreSpacing)
        // Declare an array to store the y values as I calculate them
        int[] lanePositions = new int[lanes];
        // Pre-calculate half of the lane height, as this will frequently be used for drawing.
        // To help make it clear, the heightOffset is the distance from the centre of the lane (it's y position)
        // to the outer edge of the lane.
        int heightOffset = heightPerLane / 2;

        // draw top border
        target.setColor (BROWN_BORDER);
        target.fillRect (0, startY, target.getWidth(), spacing);

        // Main Loop to Calculate Positions and draw lanes
        for (int i = 0; i < lanes; i++){
            // calculate the position for the lane
            lanePositions[i] = startY + spacing + (i * (heightPerLane+spacing)) + heightOffset ;
            // draw lane
            // the lane body
            target.fillRect (0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset, target.getWidth(), heightPerLane);
            // the lane spacing - where the white or yellow lines will get drawn
            target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] + heightOffset, target.getWidth(), spacing);

            // Place spawners and draw lines depending on whether its 2 way and centre split
            if (twoWay && centreSplit){
                // first half of the lanes go rightward (no option for left-hand drive, sorry UK students .. ?)
                if ( i < lanes / 2){
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(false, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], target.getWidth(), lanePositions[i]);
                } else { // second half of the lanes go leftward
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);

                // draw yellow lines if middle 
                if (i == lanes / 2){
                    target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, target.getWidth(), spacing);

                } /*else if (i > 0){ // draw white lines if not first lane
                    for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                        target.setColor (Color.WHITE);
                        target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);

            } else if (twoWay){ // not center split
                if ( i % 2 == 0){
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(false, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], target.getWidth(), lanePositions[i]);
                } else {
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);

                // draw Grey Border if between two "Streets"
                if (i > 0){ // but not in first position
                    if (i % 2 == 0){
                        target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, target.getWidth(), spacing);

                    } else { // draw dotted lines
                        for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                            target.setColor (BROWN_LINE);
                            target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);
            } else { // One way traffic
                spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);
                /*if (i > 0){
                    for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                        target.setColor (Color.WHITE);
                        target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);
        // draws bottom border
        target.setColor (BROWN_BORDER);
        target.fillRect (0, lanePositions[lanes-1] + heightOffset, target.getWidth(), spacing);

        return lanePositions;

     * <p>The prepareLanes method is a static (standalone) method that takes a list of parameters about the desired roadway and then builds it.</p>
     * <p><b>Note:</b> So far, Centre-split is the only option, regardless of what values you send for that parameters.</p>
     * <p>This method does three things:</p>
     * <ul>
     *  <li> Determines the Y coordinate for each lane (each lane is centered vertically around the position)</li>
     *  <li> Draws lanes onto the GreenfootImage target that is passed in at the specified / calculated positions. 
     *       (Nothing is returned, it just manipulates the object which affects the original).</li>
     *  <li> Places the VehicleSpawners (passed in via the array parameter spawners) into the World (also passed in via parameters).</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p> After this method is run, there is a visual road as well as the objects needed to spawn Vehicles. Examine the table below for an
     * in-depth description of what the roadway will look like and what each parameter/component represents.</p>
     * <pre>
     *                  <=== Start Y
     *  ||||||||||||||  <=== Top Border
     *  /------------\
     *  |            |  
     *  |      Y[0]  |  <=== Lane Position (Y) is the middle of the lane
     *  |            |
     *  \------------/
     *  [##] [##] [##| <== spacing ( where the lane lines or borders are )
     *  /------------\
     *  |            |  
     *  |      Y[1]  |
     *  |            |
     *  \------------/
     *  ||||||||||||||  <== Bottom Border
     * </pre>
     * @param world     The World that the VehicleSpawners will be added to
     * @param target    The GreenfootImage that the lanes will be drawn on, usually but not necessarily the background of the World.
     * @param spawners  An array of VehicleSpawner to be added to the World
     * @param startY    The top Y position where lanes (drawing) should start
     * @param heightPerLane The height of the desired lanes
     * @param lanes     The total number of lanes desired
     * @param spacing   The distance, in pixels, between each lane
     * @param twoWay    Should traffic flow both ways? Leave false for a one-way street (Not Yet Implemented)
     * @param centreSplit   Should the whole road be split in the middle? Or lots of parallel two-way streets? Must also be two-way street (twoWay == true) or else NO EFFECT
    public static int[] prepareLanes (World world, GreenfootImage target, VehicleSpawner[] spawners, int startY, int heightPerLane, int lanes, int spacing, boolean twoWay, boolean centreSplit){
        return prepareLanes (world, target, spawners, startY, heightPerLane, lanes, spacing, twoWay, centreSplit, spacing);

Vehicle Superclass code:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * This is the superclass for Vehicles.
public abstract class Vehicle extends SuperSmoothMover
    protected double maxSpeed;
    protected double speed;
    protected int direction; // 1 = right, -1 = left
    protected boolean moving;
    protected int yOffset;
    protected VehicleSpawner origin;
    protected abstract boolean checkHitPedestrian ();

    public Vehicle (VehicleSpawner origin) {
        this.origin = origin;
        moving = true;
        if (origin.facesRightward()){
            direction = 1;
        } else {
            direction = -1;
    public void addedToWorld (World w){
        setLocation (origin.getX() - (direction * 100), origin.getY() - yOffset);

     * A method used by all Vehicles to check if they are at the edge.
     * Note that this World is set to unbounded (The World's super class is (int, int, int, FALSE) which means
     * that objects should not be stopped from leaving the World. However, this introduces a challenge as there
     * is the potential for objects to disappear off-screen but still be fully acting and thus wasting resources
     * and affecting the simulation even though they are not visible.
    protected boolean checkEdge() {
        if (direction == 1)
        { // if moving right, check 200 pixels to the right (above max X)
            if (getX() > getWorld().getWidth() + 200){
                return true;
        { // if moving left, check 200 pixels to the left (negative values)
            if (getX() < -200){
                return true;
        return false;

     * Method that deals with movement. Speed can be set by individual subclasses in their constructors
    public void drive() 
        boolean bloodMooning = VehicleWorld.isBloodMooning();
        // Ahead is a generic vehicle - we don't know what type BUT
        // since every Vehicle "promises" to have a getSpeed() method,
        // we can call that on any vehicle to find out it's speed
        Vehicle ahead = (Vehicle) getOneObjectAtOffset (direction * (int)(speed + getImage().getWidth()/2 + 4), 0, Vehicle.class);
        if (ahead == null)
            speed = maxSpeed;

        } else {
            speed = ahead.getSpeed();
        if (bloodMooning)
            speed = maxSpeed*2;
            move (speed * direction);
            speed = maxSpeed;
            move (speed * direction);

     * An accessor that can be used to get this Vehicle's speed. Used, for example, when a vehicle wants to see
     * if a faster vehicle is ahead in the lane.
    public double getSpeed(){
        return speed;
    public void speedUp () {
        speed = maxSpeed*3;
Also this is the code used to make the vehicle spawners, returns if a vehicle is currently inside the spawn zone, and if so, prevents vehicles from spawning in that lane until the spawn zone is free. Not sure if this will help:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * A Spawner object is a place where a Vehicle can spawn. Each spawner is
 * able to check if there is already a Vehicle in the spot to avoid spawning
 * multiple Vehicles on top of each other.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class VehicleSpawner extends Actor
    public static final Color TRANSPARENT_RED = new Color (255, 0, 0, 128);
    public static final int DIST_BETWEEN_CARS = 128;
    private GreenfootImage image;
    private boolean rightward;
    private boolean visible;
    private int height, width;
    public VehicleSpawner (boolean rightward, int laneHeight)
        this.rightward = rightward;
        this.height = (int)(laneHeight * 0.75);
        width = DIST_BETWEEN_CARS;
        // set this to true to see the Spawners - might help with understanding of how this works:
        visible = false;
        image = new GreenfootImage (width, height);
            image.fillRect(0, 0, width-1, height - 1);
    public boolean facesRightward (){
        return rightward;
    /*public boolean isTouchingVehicleOld () {
        return this.isTouching (Lurker.class) || this.isTouching (Bus.class) || this.isTouching (Ambulance.class);
    public boolean isTouchingVehicle () {
        return this.isTouching(Vehicle.class);
danpost danpost


KCee wrote...
I have a bunch of actors under a superclass called "Vehicle". All of them move from the left side of the screen to the right and then disappear when they hit the edge of the world. There are 6 lanes in the road that these actors travel on. What I want to do is when there are 2 actors in the same lane, and one actor is right behind another actor, I want it to check if the lane to its right is empty, and if so, move into that lane. How would i check if the lane is empty? and how would i make it change lanes? << Codes Omitted >>
Easiest way is to just temporarily place the vehicle into the right lane and check for collisions:
setLocation(getX(), getY()+/** lane offset value */);
boolean canLaneChange = ! isTouching(Vehicle.class);
setLocation(getX(), getY()- /** lane offset value */);
if (canLaneChange) {
    /** initiate lane change */
KCee KCee


how would i make them change lanes? and would i put the code above in the world class?
danpost danpost


KCee wrote...
how would i make them change lanes?
Best way is probably to add a vertical speed field (ySpeed: values to be (i) 0: not changing lanes; (ii) 1: moving into right lane; and (iii) -1: moving into left lane (if applicable). Then all that needs done to initial lane change is to change the value of this field from 0 to the appropriate direction value. Finally, to terminate lane changing:
// after vehicle moves
if (ySpeed != 0 && getY()%/** lane offset value */ == /** (y coordinate of any lane %/** lane offset value */) ySpeed = 0;
So if y-coordinate of lanes were at 150, 250, 350 and 450, then the lane offset value is 100 (difference between lanes), and:
if (ySpeed != 0 && getY()%100 == 50) ySpeed = 0; // 50 = 150%100 = 250%100 = 350%100 = 450%100
and would i put the code above in the world class?
In the Vehicle class.
KCee KCee


how do i initialize the ySpeed variable? code:
private void changeLanes()
        int ySpeed;
        setLocation(getX(), getY()+60);
        boolean canLaneChange = ! isTouching(Vehicle.class);
        setLocation(getX(), getY()- 60);
        if (canLaneChange) {
            if (ySpeed != 0 && getY()%60 == 30) ySpeed = 0;
Spock47 Spock47


KCee wrote...
Thanks that worked! could you also try to answer my question in the other discussion post about the ySpeed variable?
I think it should be an attribute with default initial value 0:
private int ySpeed = 0;

private void changeLanes() {
KCee KCee


nothing seems to be happening after adding the switch lanes method... vehicle code
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * This is the superclass for Vehicles.
public abstract class Vehicle extends SuperSmoothMover
    protected double maxSpeed;
    protected double speed;
    protected int direction; // 1 = right, -1 = left
    protected boolean moving;
    protected int yOffset;
    protected VehicleSpawner origin;
    private int ySpeed = 0;
    protected abstract boolean checkHitPedestrian ();
    private void changeLanes()
        setLocation(getX(), getY()+60);
        boolean canLaneChange = ! isTouching(Vehicle.class);
        setLocation(getX(), getY()- 60);
        if (canLaneChange) {
            if (ySpeed != 0 && getY()%60 == 30) 
                ySpeed = 0;
    public Vehicle (VehicleSpawner origin) {
        this.origin = origin;
        moving = true;
        if (origin.facesRightward()){
            direction = 1;
        } else {
            direction = -1;
    public void addedToWorld (World w){
        setLocation (origin.getX() - (direction * 100), origin.getY() - yOffset);

     * A method used by all Vehicles to check if they are at the edge.
     * Note that this World is set to unbounded (The World's super class is (int, int, int, FALSE) which means
     * that objects should not be stopped from leaving the World. However, this introduces a challenge as there
     * is the potential for objects to disappear off-screen but still be fully acting and thus wasting resources
     * and affecting the simulation even though they are not visible.
    protected boolean checkEdge() {
        if (direction == 1)
        { // if moving right, check 200 pixels to the right (above max X)
            if (getX() > getWorld().getWidth() + 200){
                return true;
        { // if moving left, check 200 pixels to the left (negative values)
            if (getX() < -200){
                return true;
        return false;

     * Method that deals with movement. Speed can be set by individual subclasses in their constructors
    public void drive() 
        boolean bloodMooning = VehicleWorld.isBloodMooning();
        // Ahead is a generic vehicle - we don't know what type BUT
        // since every Vehicle "promises" to have a getSpeed() method,
        // we can call that on any vehicle to find out it's speed
        Vehicle ahead = (Vehicle) getOneObjectAtOffset (direction * (int)(speed + getImage().getWidth()/2 + 4), 0, Vehicle.class);
        if (ahead == null)
            speed = maxSpeed;

        } else {
            speed = ahead.getSpeed();
        if (bloodMooning)
            speed = maxSpeed*2;
            move (speed * direction);
            speed = maxSpeed;
            move (speed * direction);

     * An accessor that can be used to get this Vehicle's speed. Used, for example, when a vehicle wants to see
     * if a faster vehicle is ahead in the lane.
    public double getSpeed(){
        return speed;
    public void speedUp () {
        speed = maxSpeed*3;
KCee KCee


Here is the actual worlds code where it creates the lanes maybe i have the wrong offset value? im not sure
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * <h1>The new and vastly improved 2022 Vehicle Simulation Assignment.</h1>
 * <p> This is the first redo of the 8 year old project. Lanes are now drawn dynamically, allowing for
 *     much greater customization. Pedestrians can now move in two directions. The graphics are better
 *     and the interactions smoother.</p>
 * <p> The Pedestrians are not as dumb as before (they don't want straight into Vehicles) and the Vehicles
 *     do a somewhat better job detecting Pedestrians.</p>
 * Version Notes - Feb 2023
 * --> Includes grid <--> lane conversion method
 * --> Now starts with 1-way, 5 lane setup (easier)
 * Music Used:
 * No Sleep for Busy Minds – sombre, melancholic piece, piano and small guitar elements (Creator BIIANSU)

public class VehicleWorld extends World
    private GreenfootImage background;

    // Color Constants
    public static Color GREY_BORDER = new Color (108, 108, 108);
    public static Color GREY_STREET = new Color (88, 88, 88);
    public static Color YELLOW_LINE = new Color (255, 216, 0);
    public static Color GREEN_STREET = new Color (114, 135, 0);
    public static Color BROWN_LINE = new Color (101, 67, 33);
    public static Color BROWN_BORDER = new Color (101, 67, 33);

    // Instance variables / Objects
    private boolean twoWayTraffic, splitAtCenter;
    private int laneHeight, laneCount, spaceBetweenLanes;
    private int[] lanePositionsY;
    private VehicleSpawner[] laneSpawners;
    private GreenfootSound worldSound;
    //Static Variables
    private static boolean bloodMooning;

     * Constructor for objects of class MyWorld.
    public VehicleWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(800, 600, 1, false); 

        setPaintOrder (Villager.class, EvilWitch.class, GoodWitch.class, Acidmon.class, BloodDemon.class, Prowler.class);
        bloodMooning = false;
        worldSound = new GreenfootSound ("backgroundsound.wav");
        // set up background
        GreenfootImage background = new GreenfootImage("background.png"); 
        background.scale(getWidth(), getHeight());

        // Set critical variables
        laneCount = 6;
        laneHeight = 48;
        spaceBetweenLanes = 6;
        splitAtCenter = false;
        twoWayTraffic = false;

        // Init lane spawner objects 
        laneSpawners = new VehicleSpawner[laneCount];

        // Prepare lanes method - draws the lanes
        lanePositionsY = prepareLanes (this, background, laneSpawners, 222, laneHeight, laneCount, spaceBetweenLanes, twoWayTraffic, splitAtCenter);


    public void act () {
    public void started()
    public boolean isGrabbed(final Villager villager) 
        for (final Grabber grabber : getObjects(Grabber.class)) {
            if (villager.equals(grabber.getGrabbed())) {
                return true;
        return false;
    public static float getDistance (Actor a, Actor b)
        double distance;
        double xLength = a.getX() - b.getX();
        double yLength = a.getY() - b.getY();
        distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xLength, 2) + Math.pow(yLength, 2));
        return (float)distance;
    private void spawn () {
        // Chance to spawn a vehicle
        if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (60) == 0){
            int lane = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(laneCount);
            if (!laneSpawners[lane].isTouchingVehicle()){
                int vehicleType = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(4);
                if (vehicleType == 0){
                    addObject(new Acidmon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                //} else if (vehicleType == 2){
                    //addObject(new BloodDemon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                } else if (vehicleType == 1){
                    addObject(new Prowler(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
                } else if (vehicleType == 2){
                    addObject(new RootedCorpse(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);

        // Chance to spawn a Pedestrian
        if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (40) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new Villager (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new Villager (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        else if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (160) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new EvilWitch (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new EvilWitch (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        else if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (160) == 0){
            int xSpawnLocation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (600) + 100; // random between 99 and 699, so not near edges
            boolean spawnAtTop = true;//Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0 ? true : false;
            if (spawnAtTop){
                addObject (new GoodWitch (1), xSpawnLocation, 50);
            } else {
                addObject (new GoodWitch (-1), xSpawnLocation, 550);
        //Blood moon event
        if (!bloodMooning && Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(300) == 0){
            int lane = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(laneCount);
            addObject (new BloodMoon(240), 400, 300);
            if (getObjects(BloodDemon.class).size() == 0)
                addObject(new BloodDemon(laneSpawners[lane]), 0, 0);
            bloodMooning = true;
        if (bloodMooning && getObjects(BloodMoon.class).size() == 0){
            bloodMooning = false;
    public static boolean isBloodMooning()
        return bloodMooning;

     *  Given a lane number (zero-indexed), return the y position
     *  in the centre of the lane. (doesn't factor offset, so 
     *  watch your offset, i.e. with Bus).
     *  @param lane the lane number (zero-indexed)
     *  @return int the y position of the lane's center, or -1 if invalid
    public int getLaneY (int lane){
        if (lane < lanePositionsY.length){
            return lanePositionsY[lane];
        return -1;
     * Given a y-position, return the lane number (zero-indexed).
     * Note that the y-position must be valid, and you should 
     * include the offset in your calculations before calling this method.
     * For example, if a Bus is in a lane at y=100, but is offset by -20,
     * it is actually in the lane located at y=80, so you should send
     * 80 to this method, not 100.
     * @param y - the y position of the lane the Vehicle is in
     * @return int the lane number, zero-indexed
    public int getLane (int y){
        for (int i = 0; i < lanePositionsY.length; i++){
            if (y == lanePositionsY[i]){
                return i;
        return -1;
    public static int[] prepareLanes (World world, GreenfootImage target, VehicleSpawner[] spawners, int startY, int heightPerLane, int lanes, int spacing, boolean twoWay, boolean centreSplit, int centreSpacing)
        // Declare an array to store the y values as I calculate them
        int[] lanePositions = new int[lanes];
        // Pre-calculate half of the lane height, as this will frequently be used for drawing.
        // To help make it clear, the heightOffset is the distance from the centre of the lane (it's y position)
        // to the outer edge of the lane.
        int heightOffset = heightPerLane / 2;

        // draw top border
        target.setColor (BROWN_BORDER);
        target.fillRect (0, startY, target.getWidth(), spacing);

        // Main Loop to Calculate Positions and draw lanes
        for (int i = 0; i < lanes; i++){
            // calculate the position for the lane
            lanePositions[i] = startY + spacing + (i * (heightPerLane+spacing)) + heightOffset ;
            // draw lane
            // the lane body
            target.fillRect (0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset, target.getWidth(), heightPerLane);
            // the lane spacing - where the white or yellow lines will get drawn
            target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] + heightOffset, target.getWidth(), spacing);

            // Place spawners and draw lines depending on whether its 2 way and centre split
            if (twoWay && centreSplit){
                // first half of the lanes go rightward (no option for left-hand drive, sorry UK students .. ?)
                if ( i < lanes / 2){
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(false, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], target.getWidth(), lanePositions[i]);
                } else { // second half of the lanes go leftward
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);

                // draw yellow lines if middle 
                if (i == lanes / 2){
                    target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, target.getWidth(), spacing);

                } /*else if (i > 0){ // draw white lines if not first lane
                    for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                        target.setColor (Color.WHITE);
                        target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);

            } else if (twoWay){ // not center split
                if ( i % 2 == 0){
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(false, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], target.getWidth(), lanePositions[i]);
                } else {
                    spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                    world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);

                // draw Grey Border if between two "Streets"
                if (i > 0){ // but not in first position
                    if (i % 2 == 0){
                        target.fillRect(0, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, target.getWidth(), spacing);

                    } else { // draw dotted lines
                        for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                            target.setColor (BROWN_LINE);
                            target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);
            } else { // One way traffic
                spawners[i] = new VehicleSpawner(true, heightPerLane);
                world.addObject(spawners[i], 0, lanePositions[i]);
                /*if (i > 0){
                    for (int j = 0; j < target.getWidth(); j += 120){
                        target.setColor (Color.WHITE);
                        target.fillRect (j, lanePositions[i] - heightOffset - spacing, 60, spacing);
        // draws bottom border
        target.setColor (BROWN_BORDER);
        target.fillRect (0, lanePositions[lanes-1] + heightOffset, target.getWidth(), spacing);

        return lanePositions;

     * <p>The prepareLanes method is a static (standalone) method that takes a list of parameters about the desired roadway and then builds it.</p>
     * <p><b>Note:</b> So far, Centre-split is the only option, regardless of what values you send for that parameters.</p>
     * <p>This method does three things:</p>
     * <ul>
     *  <li> Determines the Y coordinate for each lane (each lane is centered vertically around the position)</li>
     *  <li> Draws lanes onto the GreenfootImage target that is passed in at the specified / calculated positions. 
     *       (Nothing is returned, it just manipulates the object which affects the original).</li>
     *  <li> Places the VehicleSpawners (passed in via the array parameter spawners) into the World (also passed in via parameters).</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p> After this method is run, there is a visual road as well as the objects needed to spawn Vehicles. Examine the table below for an
     * in-depth description of what the roadway will look like and what each parameter/component represents.</p>
     * <pre>
     *                  <=== Start Y
     *  ||||||||||||||  <=== Top Border
     *  /------------\
     *  |            |  
     *  |      Y[0]  |  <=== Lane Position (Y) is the middle of the lane
     *  |            |
     *  \------------/
     *  [##] [##] [##| <== spacing ( where the lane lines or borders are )
     *  /------------\
     *  |            |  
     *  |      Y[1]  |
     *  |            |
     *  \------------/
     *  ||||||||||||||  <== Bottom Border
     * </pre>
     * @param world     The World that the VehicleSpawners will be added to
     * @param target    The GreenfootImage that the lanes will be drawn on, usually but not necessarily the background of the World.
     * @param spawners  An array of VehicleSpawner to be added to the World
     * @param startY    The top Y position where lanes (drawing) should start
     * @param heightPerLane The height of the desired lanes
     * @param lanes     The total number of lanes desired
     * @param spacing   The distance, in pixels, between each lane
     * @param twoWay    Should traffic flow both ways? Leave false for a one-way street (Not Yet Implemented)
     * @param centreSplit   Should the whole road be split in the middle? Or lots of parallel two-way streets? Must also be two-way street (twoWay == true) or else NO EFFECT
    public static int[] prepareLanes (World world, GreenfootImage target, VehicleSpawner[] spawners, int startY, int heightPerLane, int lanes, int spacing, boolean twoWay, boolean centreSplit){
        return prepareLanes (world, target, spawners, startY, heightPerLane, lanes, spacing, twoWay, centreSplit, spacing);

danpost danpost


Looks like the distance between lanes is 54 (/** lane offset value */).
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