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lilnasX wrote ...


Need to execute sound.stop() once a sound has played through once

lilnasX lilnasX


This is my code, I want the class to play through the wasted sound once, and then once it has finished playing play the gameOverBGM sound in a loop. However, the if statements condition is never met and the gameOverBGM line is never reached. I can't just input wasted.stop() after otherwise the sound will not play through once and it will immediately play my gameOverBGM. need some advice, thanks.
public class GameOverWorld extends World
    static GreenfootSound wasted = new GreenfootSound("Wasted.mp3");
    static GreenfootSound gameOverBGM = new GreenfootSound("EndGameMusic.mp3");
    public GameOverWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(1200, 675, 1); 
    void prepare(){
        addObject(new BackToMenu(), 315, 450);
        addObject(new MenuIndicator(), 250, 200);
    public void act(){
            if (getObjects(GameOver.class).isEmpty()) showGameOver();
    private void showGameOver()
        addObject(new GameOver(), getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
    public static GreenfootSound getMusic(){
        return gameOverBGM;
danpost danpost


lilnasX wrote...
I want the class to play through the wasted sound once, and then once it has finished playing play the gameOverBGM sound in a loop. However, the if statements condition is never met and the gameOverBGM line is never reached. I can't just input wasted.stop() after otherwise the sound will not play through once and it will immediately play my gameOverBGM. need some advice, thanks. << Code Omitted >>
You cannot track the progress of the sound from the constructor of the class. Use the act method for this control. Also, line 22 is a bit redundant. The end of the method marks an automatic return. You can remove that line.
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