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hkrhässleholm wrote ...


Parallax scrolling

hkrhässleholm hkrhässleholm


Hi I will post the requirements for my school work (Parallax Scrolling) : Does anyone has done it before, if no then please write the codes for grade 3&4 please. It means that I will study on those to make sure that I understand and try to solve the grade 5 then! Lab 4 instructions The goal of this lab is to practice the use of arrays. We will do this by implementing a parallax scrolling space scene. The scene will contain layers of moving stars to simulate depth. See Figure 1 for an example of how the finished scene might look. An example of a moving scene can be found on screenr . The application shall use several layers of stars that move from right to left. When the stars reach the left edge of the screen they shall be removed and another star shall enter from the right. To get a feeling of depth have the stars in the background move slower and be darker. The following requirements have to be met for this lab. For Grade 3: 1. You must have one layer of stars. 2. The stars shall move from right to left in a smooth manner. 3. When a star exits to the left a new (or the same) star shall appear from the right. 4. A star class shall exist. Each star shall be an object of this class. The class shall at least store the x, y and size of one star. 5. The star class shall have appropriate methods but one method named move must exist. The move method shall be called from the world class when the star is supposed to move. 6. The world class shall use array(s) to keep track of all stars. 7. There must be at least 100 stars in the scene at any time. For Grade 4: 8. All requirements for grade 3. 9. Introduce a variable speed in the stars class that is used for regulating how fast the star in moving. 10. All values used for position, speed and size shall be randomized. For Grade 5: 11. All requirements for grade 4. 12. Add two more layers to the scene. Make sure they add to the depth by having different speed ranges and colors.
erdelf erdelf


something like this: star scrolling ?
hkrhässleholm hkrhässleholm


Malmotri Malmotri


Or someting like this: Lab 4 – Parallax scrolling
kennethvonrauch kennethvonrauch


I'm not exactly sure that I'll properly help you but I thought you might be interested to use the Background Parallax Builder. Here's a blog post about it And a direct link to the tool There's also a video about how exactly you can use that tool.
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