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Greenfoot back
hamchi wrote ...


NullPointerexception error

hamchi hamchi


MouseInfo muis = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo(); if( muis.getClickCount() == 5){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"fdfd"); } i want to get this thing to work, i want it to display a message when the object is clicked on 5 times what am i doing wrong guys
davmac davmac


Greenfoot.getMouseInfo() can return null. You need to check for a null value before calling 'getClickCount()'.
MouseInfo muis = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo();

if (muis != null && muis.getClickCount() == 5) {
hamchi hamchi


no way! thats why it wasnt working? isnt it a bit obvious the return value ISNT null when it has to equal 5? i mean come on...i failed the entire assignment during the examn because of that bitch
davmac davmac


When you write a program, you're talking to the computer (specifically, the compiler) - it doesn't think like you do. It does exactly what you tell it, no more, no less.
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