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Greenfoot back
Aaron-aid wrote ...


i get a error when trying to use ARRAYS

Aaron-aid Aaron-aid


i get the error `. java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at you.act( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actActor( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent( at when i try to run
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
 * Write a description of class you here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class you extends ProjectFEAR
    int speed = 3;
    List sus;
     * Act - do whatever the you wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
        if(Greenfoot. isKeyDown("A"))
            setLocation(getX()-speed, getY());
        if(Greenfoot. isKeyDown("D"))
            setLocation(getX()+speed, getY());
        if(Greenfoot. isKeyDown("W"))
            setLocation(getX(), getY()-speed);
        if(Greenfoot. isKeyDown("S"))
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+speed);
            sus = getObjectsInRange(20, enemys.class);
danpost danpost


What exactly are you trying to accomplish with that code. It looks like you are trying to add to the list an object that is already in the list (which does not make sense); that is:
which says to get the first element in the list (which may not exist -- hence the error) and add it to the same list.
Aaron-aid Aaron-aid


im trying to add a object that the player is touching to the list so that if the player touches the obj it adds it to a list and you can fight it, but I want to make reusable code so I don't have to code each battle screen
Aaron-aid Aaron-aid


i fixed the error with this
            sus = list.get(0).getClass();
but now how would i do - 10?
Aaron-aid Aaron-aid


cuz every item in the enemy class has a health int
danpost danpost


Aaron-aid wrote...
im trying to add a object that the player is touching to the list so that if the player touches the obj it adds it to a list and you can fight it, but I want to make reusable code so I don't have to code each battle screen
List<enemys> sus = new ArrayList<enemys>();

// in act
enemys e = getOneIntersectingObject(enemys.class);
if (e != null && !sus.contains(e)) sus.add(e);
Aaron-aid Aaron-aid


i get the error that actor cant be converted to enemys :c
danpost danpost


Aaron-aid wrote...
i get the error that actor cant be converted to enemys :c
Okay, use:
enemys e = (enemys) getOneIntersectingObject(enemys.class);
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