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xixEmilyxix wrote ...


Error: bad operand types for binary operator

xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


I have code where im trying to make it so a certain variation of the simulation runs depending on the temperature and i am getting an error with the if statements. These are in one of the worlds - beeWorld.
    public void runSimulation()
        if(weatherValue >= -40 || weatherValue <= 15)
            //if weatherValue is between -40 and 15 then run the low temperature simulation            
        } else if(weatherValue >= 16 || weatherValue <= 25)
            //if weatherValue is between 16 and 25 then run the regular temperature simulation            
        } else if(weatherValue >= 26 || weatherValue <= 40)
            //if weatherValue is between 26 and 40 then run the high temperature simulation            
        } else {
            //if values arent set, bring back the main menu
            Greenfoot.setWorld(new mainMenu());
i have weatherValue defined in the code aswell as this:
    weatherInput weatherValue;
Does anyone know how to fix this error?
MrBradley MrBradley


Can you provide the definition of weatherInput? Generally, you cannot use relational operators (>=, <, etc.) with your own types. They are only defined for numeric primitives (int, double, etc). Also, it is always useful to provide the error you are getting.
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


public class weatherInput extends Actor
    //create variable
    int weatherValue;
     * Act - do whatever the weatherInput wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
      //Create input box, ask for value, set bounds for weatherValue
      setImage(new GreenfootImage("Input.png"));
      //show weatherValue in the box on main menu
      getWorld().showText("" + weatherValue, 400, 250);
      //show weatherValue in the box on the main simulation screen
      getWorld().showText("" + weatherValue, 400, 250);
      //set value of weather based off the input
            weatherValue = Integer.parseInt(Greenfoot.ask("Please input a value for the weather"));
        if(weatherValue < -40 || weatherValue > 40)
            World world = getWorld();
            world.addObject(new errorMessageweather(), 350, 200);
        } else {
            World world = getWorld();
this is the code i have in my weatherinput class
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


the error is: bad operand types for binary operator '>=' first type: weatherInput second type: int
danpost danpost


xixEmilyxix wrote...
the error is: bad operand types for binary operator '>=' first type: weatherInput second type: int
You have weatherValue defined as a weatherInput object in your beeWorld. The value of weatherValue held by your weatherInput object would then be:
int wv = weatherValue.weatherValue;
You should probably define the object in beeWorld with:
weatherInput wi;
and then use:
int wv = wi.weatherValue;
in the method of beeWorld.
danpost danpost


By convention, class names should begin with an uppercase letter (BeeWorld, WeatherInput, etc.) and field names with a lowercase letter (weatherValue). Then you can declare the object in BeeWorld with:
WeatherInput weatherInput;
and use the following within the method:
int weatherValue = weatherInput.weatherValue;
(the weatherInput field should be assigned a WeatherInput object prior to using code in method -- assigned either in the constructor of your BeeWorld or in the declaration line) That way, when you see something beginning with an uppercase letter, it will probably be a class name and when you see something beginning with a lowercase letter, it will probably be a field name (you can keep then identifiable that way).
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


Thank you, and especially for the tip I changed those over :D
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