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CreatorMoon wrote ...


Variable with different values inheritance issue

CreatorMoon CreatorMoon


I'm having a bit of an issue with a Space Invaders game that I have to make for school. All three of my aliens add 50 points to the score, when I want them to all add different values. Can anyone help me with this? My first alien's code (parent):
import greenfoot.*;
public class Alien1 extends Actor
    int points = 50;
    int wait;
    int moving = 10;
    int moveTimer = 60;
    int shoot;
    public void act()
        if (isTouching(PlayerBullet.class))
            ScoreCounter counter = getWorld().getObjects(ScoreCounter.class).get(0);
            counter.score = counter.score + points;
        if(wait == 20)
            wait = 0;
    public void movement()
        if (moveTimer >= 30)
        if (moveTimer <= 30)
        if (moveTimer == -1)
            moveTimer = 61;
        if (moveTimer == 0)
            moving = 0;
        if (moveTimer == 30)
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+25);
        if (moveTimer == 61)
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+25);
            moving = 10;
    public void shoot()
        if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(29) == 1)
            getWorld().addObject(new AlienBullet(), getX(), getY()-1);
My second alien's code (child):
import greenfoot.*;
public class Alien2 extends Alien1
    int points = 25;
My third alien's code (child):
import greenfoot.*;
public class Alien3 extends Alien1
    int points = 10;
My score actor's code:
import greenfoot.*;
public class ScoreCounter extends Actor
    int score = 0;
    public void act() 
        setImage(new GreenfootImage("Score: "+score,25,Color.WHITE,Color.BLACK));
CreatorMoon CreatorMoon


If it wasn't already obvious, the "points" variable is the one I'm having issues with.
danpost danpost


Remove "int" from line 4 in both the Alien2 and Alien3 class codes above.
CreatorMoon CreatorMoon


When I remove the int, the error "<identifier> expected" shows up. I've also tried using "public Alien2" and "public Alien3" but then it doesn't add to the score. It used to work perfectly fine, which is what confuses me.
danpost danpost


CreatorMoon wrote...
When I remove the int, the error "<identifier> expected" shows up. I've also tried using "public Alien2" and "public Alien3" but then it doesn't add to the score. It used to work perfectly fine, which is what confuses me.
Oh, yeah -- they need to be in constructor blocks. For example:
import greenfoot.*;
public class Alien2 extends Alien1
    public Alien2()
        points = 25;
CreatorMoon CreatorMoon


Wow, I can't believe I didn't think to do that. It works perfectly now, thank you so much!
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