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Greenfoot back
Risen wrote ...


How to change world using inheritance?

Risen Risen


I need the subclass to be able to address the class with the variable "world", which is one of the worlds
public void Changer(String world) {
        Greenfoot.setWorld(new MyWorld());
if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) {
The problem is that I don't know what type of variable to put for world
danpost danpost


Line 7 should just be:
Risen Risen


Thank you, but how can i fix this error? java.lang.NullPointerException: The given world cannot be null.
public void Changer(World world) {
public class Back extends LevelChooseButtons
    MyWorld mw;
    public void act() 
        if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) {
danpost danpost


Line 8 needs to be assigned a world.
Risen Risen


danpost wrote...
Line 8 needs to be assigned a world.
Yeah, it works. Thank you very much
danpost danpost


Actually, I do not see the purpose of the Changer method. It basically duplicates Greenfoot.setWorld. Why add the extra level of complexity when you just go directly to Greenfoot.
Risen Risen


danpost wrote...
Actually, I do not see the purpose of the Changer method. It basically duplicates Greenfoot.setWorld. Why add the extra level of complexity when you just go directly to Greenfoot.
Changer is in a class that has multiple subclasses that go to other worlds. I did it for convenience.
danpost danpost


Risen wrote...
Changer is in a class that has multiple subclasses that go to other worlds. I did it for convenience.
Isn't using Greenfoot.setWorld convenient enough?
Risen Risen


danpost wrote...
Risen wrote...
Changer is in a class that has multiple subclasses that go to other worlds. I did it for convenience.
Isn't using Greenfoot.setWorld convenient enough?
Everyone has their own representation about convenience.
Risen Risen


danpost wrote...
Risen wrote...
Changer is in a class that has multiple subclasses that go to other worlds. I did it for convenience.
Isn't using Greenfoot.setWorld convenient enough?
Ok, I understand, you were right. My method wasn't right 'cause after creating 6
MyWorld mv = new MyWorld();
in 1 class, I went to "java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space". Also, one more question: this is my first time working with GreenfootSound, so is it normal, that I hear background music from 2 different worlds at the same time?
rocket770 rocket770


I really don't understand why you need a new method to change the world, it makes no difference and if anything, having an extra layer just makes in inconvenient if anything since it is causing problems? As for the sound, create a sound object where you can then pause or stop it before you exit the world.
GreenfootSound sound = new GreenfootSound("Filename");
Start the sound using; then you may pause it or stop it using
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