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Greenfoot back
Joshua09 wrote ...


need help using MouseClicked method with an actor

Joshua09 Joshua09


private void checkMouseClick() { \\if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(null)) if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(Block.class)) //if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(World.class)) { World world = getWorld(); List<Leaf> leaves = world.getObjects(Leaf.class); for (Leaf leaf : leaves) { leaf.changeImage(); } } } I'm trying to have it to where when i click the block it will change all the leaves color. I'm not sure if I'm passing the parameter of Block.class wrong or what.. Also how would I pass the MyWorld.Class as the parameter in the if statement. I've tried using it and it wont recognize any clicks.
danpost danpost


The mouseClicked method does not look for clicks on classes. It looks for clicks on a specific object (or any click when the argument is null). If the code given is in your Block class you can use this as the argument. For the world, you can simply use getWorld() for the argument.
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