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Starlord_20 wrote ...


cannot find class

Starlord_20 Starlord_20


boolean getActorInFront(Class cls) {
        int r = getRotation() / 90;
        Actor actor = (Actor) getOneObjectAtOffset((1-r)%2,(2-r)%2,Actor.class);
        if(actor instanceof cls) return true;
        else return false;
I get an error that the class cls couldn't bt found...
danpost danpost


Show how you are calling the method.
Starlord_20 Starlord_20


I already fixed it but thank you... :) I changed the parameter into Class<?> cls and and worked with a list
boolean isActorFront(Class<?> cls) {
        int r = getRotation()/90;
        List<?> obj = getWorld().getObjectsAt(this.getX()+(1-r)%2,this.getY()+(2-r)%2,cls);
        if(obj != null && obj.size() > 0) return true;
        else return false;
and that's the way I call it (I called it like that before I changed too) :
if(isActorFront(Actor.class)) // do something
it works fine
danpost danpost


I think you would have been fine replacing your original lines 4 and 5 with:
return actor != null;
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