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tomduff5985 wrote ...


Passing variables

tomduff5985 tomduff5985


I need to make a score variable in one actor pass and be updated by another actor. I know I am using the constructor wrong. Can anyone help? Here is the code for the first actor: public class Fisherman extends Animal { protected int score = 0; public int setScore() { score = ++; return score; } which is called by the second actor: if (canSee(Fish.class)) { eat(Fish.class); setScore(); fishCount --; any thoughts?
danpost danpost


First 'score = ++;' is not a valid statement. You probably wanted 'score++;'. Now, you are calling 'setScore();' from the second actor; however, you are not doing anything with the returned value. Hence, it is lost. Change 'setScore();' to 'int newScore = setScore();' and 'newScore' will hold the new score value in the calling class (only until the method is done executing; to save the score longer, you need to create an instance int field in the class and store it there).
tomduff5985 tomduff5985


The problem now is that it is only holding initial value (0) and never updating again.
danpost danpost


If you only have one fisherman in the world, then in the second actor's class, add the following method:
public void setScore()
    if (getWorld().getObjects(Fisherman.class).isEmpty()) return;
    Fisherman man = (Fisherman) getWorld().getObjects(Fisherman.class).get(0);
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