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Greenfoot back
Stephon231 wrote ...


Floating platform

Stephon231 Stephon231


what makes this platform know when to turn
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot)

public class Platform extends Actor
    private int speed = 4;
    private int leftTurn = 270;
    private int rightTurn = 480;

    public void act() 
        setLocation ( getX() + speed, getY() );
        Actor actor = getOneIntersectingObject(null);
        if(actor != null) {
            actor.setLocation ( actor.getX() + speed, actor.getY() );
        if (atTurningPoint()) {
            speed = -speed;
    public boolean atTurningPoint()
        return (getX() <= leftTurn || getX() >= rightTurn);
SPower SPower


Well, to turn an Actor, juse the turn method. But, where should it turn and how much?
Upupzealot Upupzealot


the problem may be the “getX()” method actually return the position of the platform, not the“actor”
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