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Greenfoot back
ITStudent wrote ...


Greenfoot Bug??? (Again)

ITStudent ITStudent


So if the (Essen = trans. Food) is been eaten by the Crab, a static point system has to increase (+1) Thats my pointsystem. And i have copied my Project. (Original and a copy of this where i can work on) . In this Copy the score doesnt increase. The script should work. And in the Original the Script works too. Here my script: if(d<5){d++;} if(d == 1){op = 0;} if (isTouching(Craby.class)){ op++; if(getWorld() instanceof CrabWorldSlither){ getWorld().showText("Score:"+ op,200,300); setLocation(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(850),Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(550));} if(getWorld() instanceof CrabWorld){ getWorld().removeObject(this);}} Static();
ITStudent ITStudent


oh and public static int op;
ITStudent ITStudent


and Static(){return op;}
ITStudent ITStudent


Okay, so i had made a new static int PO and now its working fine. Maybe it was a bug from Greenfoot
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