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ihjufaeshiju wrote ...


Switching between Worlds

ihjufaeshiju ihjufaeshiju


Im trying to switch from SpaceWorld to ShopWorld. I've read that having a menu in another world would essentially pause the original world, but this is not the case for me. I am switching worlds like this:
Greenfoot.setWorld(new ShopWorld()); //go to ShopWorld
Greenfoot.setWorld(new SpaceWorld()); //go back to original world
I think it generates a new world instad of returning to the old world. How can i change this? I've tried it without the "new" and without the "()" but that did not work.
danpost danpost


Your second line does not go back to the original world. It goes to a new instance of SpaceWorld. In order to go back to the same SpaceWorld object, the ShopWorld object would need to have a reference to that world:
// in ShopWorld
private World spaceWorld;

public ShopWorld(World world)
    super(600, 400, 1);
    spaceWorld = world;
    // etc.

public void act()
    if ( ??? ) Greenfoot.setWorld(spaceWorld);
    // etc.

// in act of SpaceWorld (or from actor in the world)
if ( ??? ) Greenfoot.setWorld(new ShopWorld(this)); // 'this' or 'getWorld()'
ihjufaeshiju ihjufaeshiju


Thanks, this worked very nicely.
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