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blainegray wrote ...


Save a scenario

blainegray blainegray


Greeings I tried to save a scenario after I got to exercise 3.14. When I clicked on Save As it took me to a form that wanted a folder name instead of a file name. I suppose I could copy the file in Explorer and and save it under a new name there but that seems a bit strange. I would like to save the scenario up to the exercise point, save it as a new name, and then add the edits for the next exercise. Thanks, Blaine
blainegray blainegray


OK, so I found the problem: saving a scenario is really saving a folder. I went to copy the file and found the file is a folder with lots of supporting information included. What actually gets opened by the editor is probably the source code. All the rest of the material in the folder is available for the exercises. I will save the scenario as an Chapter and exercise number.
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