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Xevinaly wrote ...


Using EasyMock with greenfoot.Greenfoot

Xevinaly Xevinaly


I am doing TDD with Greenfoot and trying to mock the Greenfoot class. I'm using the EasyMock mocking utility with JUnitTest. Below is my code:
    public void testPlayerSelection(){
        Greenfoot gfoot = EasyMock.mock(Greenfoot.class);
        EasyMock.expect(gfoot.ask("How many players")).andReturn("3");
When I run the code it says that there is a NullPointerException in Greenfoot.ask(), is there something I am missing about properly mocking the Greenfoot class?
nccb nccb


I'm not very familiar with EasyMock, but the Greenfoot class is not standalone; it carries internal state that indirectly allows it to communicate back to the GUI. So I don't think you're likely to be able to mock it directly. Your best bet might be to wrap it in another class that you can then mock instead.
Xevinaly Xevinaly


Thank you for the advice. I created an identical wrapper and it worked perfectly for mocking :)
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