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Baseball19 wrote ...


Moving The Wombat

Baseball19 Baseball19


Is there any possible way that when you move the wombat using the void move action that you can move the wombat multiple tiles across the world at one time?
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot)

 * Wombat. A Wombat moves forward until it hits the edge of the world, at
 * which point it turns left. If a wombat finds a leaf, it eats it.
 * @author Michael Kölling
 * @version 2.0
public class Wombat extends Actor
    private int leavesEaten;

    public Wombat()
        leavesEaten = 0;

     * Do whatever the wombat likes to to just now.
    public void act()
        if (foundLeaf()) {
        else if (canMove()) {
        else {

     * Move one step forward.
    public void move()
     * Turn left by 90 degrees.
    public void turnLeft()
     * Check whether there is a leaf in the same cell as we are.
     * Return true, if there is, false otherwise.
    public boolean foundLeaf()
        Actor leaf = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, Leaf.class);
        return leaf != null;
     * Eat a leaf (if there is one in our cell).
    public void eatLeaf()
        Actor leaf = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, Leaf.class);
        if (leaf != null) {
            // eat the leaf...
            leavesEaten = leavesEaten + 1; 
     * Set the direction we're facing. The 'direction' parameter must
     * be in the range [0..3].
    public void setDirection(int direction)
        if ((direction >= 0) && (direction <= 3)) {
            setRotation(direction * 90);
     * Test if we can move forward. Return true if we can, false otherwise.
    public boolean canMove()
        int rotation = getRotation();
        int x = getX();
        int y = getY();
        boolean facingEdge = false;
        switch (rotation) {
            case 0:
                facingEdge = (x == getWorld().getWidth() - 1);
            case 90:
                facingEdge = (y == getWorld().getHeight() - 1);
            case 180:
                facingEdge = (x == 0);
            case 270:
                facingEdge = (y == 0);
        return !facingEdge;

     * Tell how many leaves we have eaten.
    public int getLeavesEaten()
        return leavesEaten;
danpost danpost


Make line 40:
move(2); // or more
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