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Greenfoot back
zach0531 wrote ...


I am Making a snake game and cant get the code to work in my snakehaed, snakebody or snake world classes.

zach0531 zach0531


PLEASE tell me whats wrong!! Snake Body Code
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.*;

 * Write a description of class SnakeBody here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class SnakeBody  extends Actor
    private int x_speed=1;
    private int y_speed=0;
    private int bodyPos;
    private Point snakeCoords;
     * SnakeBody constructor
     * sets the image for the snakeBody
     * @param int bodyPosition
    public SnakeBody(int bodyPosition)
        GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(10, 10);
        image.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
        bodyPos = bodyPosition;

     * Act - do whatever the SnakeBody wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 

     * moveBody
     * moves the snake body 
    public void moveBody()
      SnakeWorld world = (SnakeWorld)getWorld();
      snakeCoords = world.getBodyPosition(bodyPos);
      setLocation(snakeCoords.getX(), snakeCoords.getY());
Snake World code
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.*;

 * Write a description of class SnakeWorld here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class SnakeWorld extends World
    public static final int DOT_SIZE = 10;
    public static final int MAX_DOTS = (600*400)/(DOT_SIZE*DOT_SIZE);
    private int snakeSize=4;
    private Point snakeCoords[] = new Point[MAX_DOTS];
    //private int x[] = new int[MAX_DOTS];
    //private int y[] = new int[MAX_DOTS];
    int dX=1, dY=0;

    //Direction variables
    private final int SPEED = 1;
    private int directionX = SPEED;
    private int directionY;

    private Score score = new Score();

    private int speed = 30;
     * Constructor for objects of class SnakeWorld.
    public SnakeWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(61, 41, 10);
        addObject(new WorldOutline(), 30, 20);
        addObject(score, 6, 2);

     * upDateCoords
     * Updates the coordinates of the snake to its new spot as it moves on the screen
    public void updateCoords()

        for(int i = snakeSize - 1; i > 0;i--)


        snakeCoords[0].setX(snakeCoords[0].getX() + directionX);
        snakeCoords[0].setY(snakeCoords[0].getY() + directionY);

     * drawSnake
     * Draws the snake at its starting position
    public void drawSnake()
        addObject(new SnakeHead(0), snakeCoords[0].getX(), snakeCoords[0].getY());
        for(int i = snakeSize - 1; i > 0; i--)
            addObject(new SnakeBody(i), snakeCoords[i].getX(), snakeCoords[i].getY());

     * placeFood
     * Place a set amount of food in the game window
     * @param int amountOfFood
    public void placeFood(int amountOfFood)
        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfFood; i++)
            addObject(new Food(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(59)+1,  Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(39)+1);

     * setUpCoords
     * sets up the snake coordinates at the start of the game
    public void setUpCoords()
        snakeCoords[0] = new Point(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
        for(int i = 1; i < snakeSize; i++)
            snakeCoords[i]=new Point(snakeCoords[i-1].getX() - 1, snakeCoords[i-1].getY());

     * addTail
     * adds another tail to the end of the snake
    public void addTail()
        snakeCoords[snakeSize] = new Point(snakeCoords[snakeSize-1].getX(), snakeCoords[snakeSize-1].getY());
        addObject(new SnakeBody(snakeSize), snakeCoords[snakeSize].getX(), snakeCoords[snakeSize].getY());

     * keyPress
     * changes the direction of the snake based upon key presses
    public void keyPress()
        if( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up") && directionY != SPEED)
            directionY = -SPEED; 
            directionX = 0;
        if( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down") && directionY != -SPEED)
            directionY = SPEED;
            directionX = 0;
        if( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && directionX != SPEED)
            directionX = -SPEED;
            directionY = 0;
        if( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && directionX != -SPEED)
            directionX = SPEED;
            directionY = 0;

     * getBodyPosition
     * returns the coordinates of the snake at the passed in body position
     * @param int bodyPosition
    public Point getBodyPosition(int bodyPosition)
        return snakeCoords[bodyPosition];

     * die - ends the game
    public void die()
        addObject(new GameOver(), getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);

     * hitEdge - game over if you hit the side of the world
    public void hitEdge()
        if(snakeCoords[0].getX() < 1 || snakeCoords[0].getX() > getWidth()-2 || snakeCoords[0].getY() < 1 || snakeCoords[0].getY() > getHeight()-2)

    public void act()

Snake Head Code
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.*;

 * Write a description of class SnakeHead here.
//  * 
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class SnakeHead  extends Actor
    private int bodyPos;
    private Point snakeCoords;
    private int temp = 0;

     * SnakeHead Constructor
     * Sets the image for snakeHead
     * @param int bodyPosition
    public SnakeHead(int bodyPosition )
        GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(10, 10);
        image.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);

     * Act - do whatever the SnakeHead wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 

     * moveHead
     * moves the head to the next position on the screen
    public void moveHead()
        SnakeWorld world = (SnakeWorld)getWorld();
        snakeCoords = world.getBodyPosition(0);
        setLocation(snakeCoords.getX(), snakeCoords.getY());


     * growTail
     * adds a tail segment to the snake and adds new food to the world
    public void growTail()
        SnakeWorld world = (SnakeWorld)getWorld();

     * lookForFood
     * Looks for food.
     * If the snake finds food it eats the food 
    public void lookForFood()
        if (canSee(Food.class))

     * hitBody - checks whether the snake tries to eat it's own body
    public void hitBody()
        SnakeWorld world = (SnakeWorld)getWorld();

     * canSee
     * looks for other objects the intersect with the snake
     * @param Class clss
    public boolean canSee(Class clss)
        Actor actor = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, clss);
        return actor != null;        

     * eat
     * eats the object and removes it from the screen
     * @param Class clss
    public void eat(Class clss)
        Actor actor = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, clss);
        if(actor != null)
CoolSharkCody CoolSharkCody


Which part of the code doesn’t work? Be more specific.
danpost danpost


Try removing
import java.awt.*;
from all your classes and add a Point class to the project:

public class Point 
    private int x, y;
    public Point(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        x = xCoord;
        y = yCoord;
    public void setX(int value)
        x = value;
    public void setY(int value)
        y = value;
    public int getX()
        return x;
    public int getY()
        return y;
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