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ManiHallam wrote ...


Counter Class Error

ManiHallam ManiHallam


this is my Counter class, but when I click on monies it does add them up. Could you please help me?
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.List;

 * Chocolate Dispenser Mchine
 * @version 1.0
public class Counter extends Actor
    private int credit;
    private boolean moneyFound  = false;

     * Act - do whatever the Counter wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act()

     * Counting all Coins in Money class, which are inserted into the Coin Insertion.
    public void coinFound()
        if (!moneyFound && !getWorld().getObjectsAt(517, 314, Money.class).isEmpty())
            moneyFound = true; 
            List<Money> money2 = getWorld().getObjectsAt(517, 314, Money.class);
            Money money = money2.get(0);
            credit += money.getValue();

        if (moneyFound && getWorld().getObjectsAt(517, 314, Money.class).isEmpty())
            moneyFound = false;

     * Counting all Notes in Money class, which are inserted into the Note Insertion.
    public void noteFound()
        if (!moneyFound && !getWorld().getObjectsAt(664, 367, Money.class).isEmpty())
            moneyFound = true;
            List<Money> money2 = getWorld().getObjectsAt(664, 367, Money.class);
            Money money = money2.get(0);
            credit += money.getValue();

        if (moneyFound && getWorld().getObjectsAt(664, 367, Money.class).isEmpty())
            moneyFound = false;

    public int getCredit()
        return credit;

    public void update()
        ((Screen) getWorld().getObjects(Screen.class).get(0)).setText("Credit: " + credit);
danpost danpost


ManiHallam wrote...
this is my Counter class, but when I click on monies it does add them up.
Do you mean it does NOT add them up? Also, did you change any of your code since I last posted? To make your source available, you need to check the box to include source every time you upload the scenario.
ManiHallam ManiHallam


Sorry. Yes, it does not add them up.
danpost danpost


Did you see my last code post on the other discussion, 'Showing messages from Classes and updated messages from Counter'?
danpost danpost


Also, see my code post that shows up first on page 3 of that same discussion. They go hand-in-hand with each other.
ManiHallam ManiHallam


ok, I will. Thanks.
danpost danpost


I should be back within 8 hours. Have a blessed day!
ManiHallam ManiHallam


Thanks u2.
danpost danpost


@ManiHallam, have you checked out those posts?
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